![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
1-16. The distributor times the occurrence of the ignition
output to both the power steering system and the control
spark in relation to the engine by a set of breaker points
valve assembly inlet port. A relief valve in the flow
operated by an engine-driven cam. Variations in timing
divider valve limits hydraulic pressure in the power
under changing speed are accomplished through a
steering system. This relief valve cracks open at 700 psi
centrifugally operated spark advance mechanism in the
and is fully open at 1050 psi.
distributor. The timed high voltage impulses are fed
through the center terminal of the distributor cap to the
1-20. The control valve assembly is a two-spool fluid
rotor inside. The rotor then directs the high voltage to
control valve with a control handle for each spool. The
each spark plug wire (arranged from cap to spark plugs
inboard control handle and spool control the raising and
in proper engine firing order) in sequence, to spark each
lowering of the forks by applying or releasing hydraulic
spark plug at the proper time.
pressure to the hoist cylinder. The outboard control
handle and spool control tilting of the upright carriage.
1-17. HYDRAULIC PUMP. Hydraulic pressure for
Each control handle has two actuating positions with a
steering, hoisting, and tilting of the uprights is supplied
center neutral position. A pilot operated relief valve
by an engine-driven hydraulic pump. This pump is
limits system pressure to 1500 psi. The hoist cylinder is
mounted at the left rear side of the engine, driven by a
a two-stage single-acting unit, raised by applying fluid
gear which engages the camshaft timing gear. The
pressure, and lowered by releasing pressure to permit
pump is a gear type positive displacement pump.
gravity return of the elevated parts. The tilt cylinders are
double-acting cylinders.
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (See figure 1-4). Using pressure
1-21. POWER STEERING GEAR. The power steering
from the engine-driven hydraulic pump, this system
gear unit is basically a Saginaw recirculating ball
controls raising of the forks and fore and aft tilting of the
steering gear to which has been added a torque
The control valve assembly permits the
sensitive valving arrangement, and in which the ball nut
operator to direct pressure to the hoist cylinder for
has been redesigned to act as a hydraulic piston. The
raising the forks, or to the tilt cylinders to adjust the
valve (see figure 1-6) is an open-center rotary three-way
angle of the uprights and forks.
valve, with a grooved spool to
1-19. The flow divider (priority) valve directs the pump
Figure 1-5. Steering System Arrangement
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