![]() (c) Start engine and, at 450 rpm idle speed, direct
disconnected lines and ports from which they were
flashing beam of timing light through hole in flywheel
removed, to keep dirt out of systems.
housing at distributor side of engine. If ignition timing is
(5) Attach the hook of a chain hoist to the lifting eye
correct, light flash will show D-C on flywheel aligned with
of engine. Lift engine enough to relieve weight on engine
mark on flywheel housing as plug fires.
supporting parts yet to be removed.
(4) Vacuum test.
(6) Remove screws and washers shown, and
(a) Remove slotted plug from check valve adapter
remove rear engine mount. Remove nut, bolt, washers,
Tee-fitting to intake manifold and install an adapter to
and rubber sandwich mounting at each front mounting
receive vacuum gauge hose. Connect vacuum gauge to
Remove twelve screws and washers which attach
(b) With engine warm, and idling at 450 to 500 rpm,
transmission to engine.
vacuum gauge reading should be between 17 and 21
(7) Swing engine toward rear of truck until torque
inches of mercury, and steady. General indications are
converter on flywheel is free of transmission shaft. Lift
as follows:
engine free of truck.
(c) As in (b) above: no trouble indicated.
d. Engine external parts removal. Remove parts
(d) Slow oscillation of gauge reading, usually with
for which instructions are given in this paragraph, only to
drifting engine idle speed:
carburetor idle mixture
the extent necessary to perform the intended task.
adjustment wrong.
Complete disassembly is necessary only when complete
(e) Low, steady reading: power loss affecting all
overhaul of the engine is planned.
cylinders equally. Possibly late timing, leaking induction
(1) Remove the following components:
system or rings, or mechanical drag on engine, such as
(a) Thermostat and housing, and cylinder
tight bearings.
(f) Steady pulsing of gage: partial or complete loss
(b) Generator, water pump and fan belt.
of power in one (or more) cylinders. Burned or stuck
(c) Fuel pump, carburetor, and governor and
valve or leaky head gasket gives major pulsations.
Fouled spark plug gives lesser fluctuations. Cross
(d) Starter, distributor, coil, spark plugs and
check indications with compression test.
c. Engine removal.
(e) Manifold, crankcase ventilator check
(1) Drain cooling system and crankcase.
valve, l;1 level gauge, valve covers.
(2) Remove the radiator, upper and lower hoses,
(2) Remove nut and washer at top and bottom of
and exhaust piping.
hydraulic pump mounting flange, remove pump, and
(3) Disconnect the following items, at the points
remove elbows and fittings from pump.
shown in Figure 6-30:
(3) Remove twelve screws and washers and
(a) Throttle and choke linkage.
remove oil pan and pan gasket.
(b) Battery cable, starter and ammeter leads.
(4) Remove screws and washers and remove
(c) Ignition switch to coil lead.
torque converter from flywheel.
(d) Oil filter lines. .
(5) Remove four cotter pins, nuts and washers and
(e) Engine temperature transmitter lead.
remove flywheel, using pry bar inserted through center of
(f) Carburetor air duct, and crankcase
breather hose.
(6) Remove screws and washers at left side,
(4) Drain hydraulic tank and disconnect hydraulic
securing flywheel housing to engine block and oil pan.
hoses at hydraulic pump. Disconnect fuel line at fuel
Remove corresponding screws at other side of housing,
pump, remove clamp on 'top of flywheel housing, and tie
and two screws and washers accessible from inside
this line out of way with light string. Seal off open ends
housing, and remove housing. It may be necessary to
tap housing with a soft hammer or mallet to loosen from
saddle or gasket sticking to block.
(7) Remove oil fill pipe and generator bracket by
removing attaching screws and washers.
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