![]() (3) Disconnect inlet (upper) radiator hose and
(1) Loosen generator adjusting strap bolt.
outlet (lower) radiator hose secured with clamps.
(2) Loosen generator mounting bolts securing
(4) Disconnect transmission
generator to mounting support and remove belt from
secured with clamps and cap the lines.
generator and crankshaft pulleys.
(5) Remove four screws, nuts, lockwashers and
(3) Work fan belt over fan blade and rotate fan
flat washers securing radiator. Lift radiator from truck.
until belt can be removed from the fan.
c. Inspection and external cleaning.
(4) Remove bolts and lockwashers that secure
fan to hub. Remove fan.
(1) Raise the hood.
(5) Drain radiator.
(2) Clean dirt, insects, and trash from the
exterior of the core, using compressed air or a stream of
(6) Disconnect bypass tube at water pump and
water applied carefully from the engine side of the core.
at thermostat elbow and remove from engine.
(3) If the core fins are bent, use a piece of wood
(7) Loosen outlet (lower) radiator hose clamp
or a blunt instrument to straighten them. Be careful not
and separate hose from water pump.
to puncture the tubes.
(8) Remove mounting nuts and lockwashers,
(4) Inspect radiator mounts and tighten them as
remove adjusting strap capscrews, and remove water
pump and gasket from engine block.
(5) Be sure radiator hose clamps are tight.
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the pump for secure mounting.
(6) Inspect radiator and hoses for leaks.
(2) Inspect the water pump bearing for noise.
d. Repair.
(1) Repair leaks by soldering.
(3) Inspect the fan for secure mounting, bent or
cracked blades.
(2) If radiator core is clogged with deposits which
do not respond to cleaning solution, unsolder upper and
(4) Inspect the fan belt for wear, frays, and
lower tanks , and rod out each water passage in core
proper adjustment of 1/2-inch finger-pressure deflection
with a length of welding rod. Take care not to puncture
at midpoint between the crankshaft pulley and the fan
core, which is made of thin, soft metal. Resolder upper
and lower tanks to core and test radiator for leaks.
c. Adjustment of belt. Refer to paragraph 5-57.
(3) Carefully straighten any bent or damaged
core cooling fins.
d. Installation. Reverse procedure in a. above and
replace gasket.
e. Draining and refilling.
(1) To drain cooling system, remove radiator cap
and open drain cocks in radiator and block. If the cooling
system is not to be refilled immediately, attach a notice
a. Removal.
on the steering wheel to warn personnel that the cooling
(1) Drain cooling system.
system has been drained.
(2) Loosen hose clamp and remove upper hose
(2) To refill the cooling system, close drain cocks
from elbow.
and add water, corrosion inhibitor, and antifreeze as
required. Operate the engine, inspect the coolant level,
(3) Remove bypass tube from truck.
and add coolant as necessary. Install the radiator cap.
(4) Remove screws and lockwashers that secure
f. Installation.
Reverse removal procedure in b.
water outlet to cylinder head and remove water outlet
with thermostat and adapter. Separate thermostat and
adapter from water outlet and remove recirculating tube
water outlet. Remove outlet gasket from the cylinder
a. Removal.
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