![]() need for certain ring and pinion adjustments. Take
differential bearing cup from bore of axle housing, and
keep it with cone and rollers with which it was used.
a. Removal.
(3) Remove cotter pin and nut holding parking brake
(1) Remove entire mast assembly as a unit, as
drum to pinion (Figure 6-8). Remove drum and key from
pinion. Remove screws and washers, and take off seal
and retainer, parking brake bracket with brake assembly
(a) Attach a chain hoist to mast assembly (or use
attached, and gasket.
Remove cover screws and
the forks of another lift truck), and relieve the weight of
washers, and take off cover with pinion and spacer
the assembly. on its supporting parts. Arrange to brace
gaskets. Press pinion from cover. Measure gaskets
the assembly against tipping as disconnections are
before discarding, as in (2) above.
made. The forks are to be fully lowered at this time.
(4) Take remainder of differential assembly from
(b) Disconnect hydraulic hose from lift cylinder
housing. Pull differential side bearings from case halves,
and cap hose and cylinder to exclude dirt.
if they are to be replaced. Remove bearings from pinion,
if they are to be replaced.
(c) To remove tilt cylinder assembly, disconnect
hoses from the tilt cylinder. Tag hoses for position and
(5) Remove screws holding differential case halves
ease of reassembly.
together and separate case halves. Remove spider,
gears, spring washers and thrust washers.
(d) Remove four screws and washers, releasing
two plates. One plate is located at the forward end of the
(6) If necessary to replace ring gear, center punch
cylinder, one upright assembly, and the other on frame
each rivet, drill a pilot hole through, and drill off head of
assembly at rear of cylinder.
rivet from bevel end. Punch out rivet.
(e) Remove plates. Grasp cylinder firmly and
pull shafts from their position. Lift tilt cylinder assembly
from vehicle.
Ring gear and pinion must both be
replaced as a set, if one is defective.
(f) Remove capscrews, washers and angle
brackets which secure outer uprights to bearing bracket
c. Inspection.
on frame and lift mast assembly from truck. Disconnect
brake lines.
(1) Inspect gears for wear or damage.
(2) Drain lubricant from axle. Support front end of
(2) Inspect for pitted, scored, or worn thrust faces of
truck so axle can be rolled free, and remove screws,
face halves, thrust washers, spider trunnions.
washers and bearing caps, holding axle to frame.
Disconnect propeller shaft from parking brake drum-y
(3) Inspect spider trunnions also for looseness in
removing two screws from each top and bottom needle
differential case bores. Check for free rotation of bevel
bearings. Raise truck front and roll axle free.
gears on spider trunnions.
Assembly of the differential is
essentially the reverse of the disassembly procedure in
Support axle, when truck weight is relieved,
b. above, for sequence in which parts are installed.
to prevent sudden turning of the axle due to
However, in the course of assembly, various checks and
unbalance, which could cause injury to
adjustments are to be made. Assemble by reversing the
procedure in b. as appropriate, and incorporate the
checks and adjustments in e. below in the assembly
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove nuts, washers, and tapered bushings
At assembly, use press where necessary.
from studs (Figure 6-1) attaching axle and differential
Install all new seals and gaskets. Replace
housings. Tap parts with a soft mallet, if necessary, to
ring gear and pinion as a set, if either is to be
free bushings from grip on studs, for disassembly. Studs
replaced. Replace thrust washers only in
may be left in place, if not to be serviced.
complete sets.
(2) Remove gaskets from studs and measure the
e. Assembly checks and adjustments. Three basic
thickness removed from each side. If no new parts are
adjustments are to be made when the differential has
needed in the differential, the same thickness of new
been reassembled after replacement of parts. These are
gaskets can be installed at assembly. This will eliminate
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