d. Engine sluggish,
1. Defective spark plugs.
Replace, or clean and regap plugs,
misses, 'backfires.
tighten properly.
2. Spark plug wires off, faulty
Replace wires.
or misplaced.
3. Spark plug gaskets broken or
Replace gasket. (Clean plug well)
not seating.
4. Spark plugs not tightened
Tighten properly.
5. Breaker points dirty or
Dress, clean and regap points.
improper gap.
6. Distributor rotor corroded,
Clean or replace rotor.
pitted, dirty.
7. Spark retarded.
Adjust distributor timing.
8. Distributor advance not
Clean and adjust or overhaul
operating properly.
distributor as necessary.
9. Worn distributor shaft.
Replace shaft.
10. Ground strap loose or damaged.
Clean, tighten or replace strap.
11. Weak condenser
Replace condenser.
12. Weak coil
Replace coil.
13. High tension cable grounded or
Clean and tighten or replace cable.
14. Low tension cable grounded or
Clean and tighten or replace cable.
15. Rich carburetor mixture.
Adjust carburetor.
16. Lean carburetor mixture.
Adjust carburetor.
17. Dirty or restricted air cleaner.
Clean air cleaner.
18. Water in fuel.
Drain fuel tank.
19. Poor grade of fuel.
Drain fuel tank and refill with
proper grade.
20. Fuel pump malfunction
Replace or overhaul fuel pump.
21. Leak in manifold or gasket.
Tighten or replace gasket.
22. Cylinder head loose.
Tighten head.
23. Cylinder head warped.
Replace cylinder head.
24. Cylinder head gasket leaking.
Tighten or replace gasket.
25. Sticky valves.
Clean or replace valves.
26. Valves not seating properly.
Grind valves.
27. Valves out of adjustment.
Adjust tappets.
28. Exhaust valve heads too thin,
Replace valves.
causing hot spots.
29. Weak or broken valve springs.
Replace springs.
30. Valve timing incorrect.
Correct timing.
31. Overheating.
Check cause and correct.
32. Air cleaner restricted.
Clean air cleaner.
33. Restricted exhaust.
Remove obstruction.
34. Brakes dragging.
Adjust brakes.
e. Engine overheats.
1. Insufficient coolant.
Add coolant.
2. Late ignition timing.
Check timing adjustment.
3. Lean fuel-air mixture.
Adjust carburetor; check for
air leaks.
Improper valve timing.
Adjust valves.
Thermostat defective.
Replace thermostat.
Water pump not working properly.
Replace or overhaul pump.
Fan not working properly.
Check fan mounting.
Fan belt slipping or broken.
Adjust fan belt or replace as
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