![]() 5-44. FUEL SYSTEM.
5-49. DRAIN SYSTEM. Operate the engine at a fast
idle until normal engine operating temperature is
reached. A fast idle will stir up any loose rust, scale or
other formations in the cooling system. Stop engine and
remove radiator filler cap. Open cylinder block and
a. With the fork lift truck on level ground, turn the
radiator drain cocks and allow cooling system to drain.
idle adjusting needle with the fingers until it is barely
5-50. CLEAN SYSTEM. Close radiator and cylinder
seated, then back off exactly one turn.
cocks. Be sure temperature of engine is below 200 deg
Fahrenheit. Pour cleaning compound into radiator and
fill coolant system with water. Install pressure-type cap
Do not seat the idle adjusting needle
on radiator. Start engine and operate it at fast idle until
too tightly since the tip of the needle
solution is heated to at least 180 deg Fahrenheit. Use a
will groove and prevent smooth
cardboard to cover radiator, if necessary, but do not
engine idling.
Discard .grooved
allow the solution to boil. Continue to operate the engine
needle and install new idle adjusting
at least 30 minutes. Stop the engine, remove radiator
needle as necessary.
cap, open radiator and cylinder block drain cocks and
allow system to drain completely.
b. Start engine and run until normal operating
5-51. NEUTRALIZE SYSTEM. Close radiator and
temperature is reached. Adjust idle speed screw as
cylinder block drain cocks. Pour inhibitor into radiator, fill
required to obtain an idle speed of 500 rpm (just enough
system with clean, fresh water and install radiator cap.
to prevent stalling during the warmup period).
Start engine at a fast idle, using radiator cover, if
necessary, to bring engine operating temperature to at
least 180 deg Fahrenheit. Continue to operate engine
for at least ten minutes. Remove radiator cap, open
a. To maintain low resistance to air flow, the filter
radiator and cylinder block drain cocks and allow system
element must be inspected periodically and cleaned
to drain completely.
thoroughly when dirty.
5-52. FLUSH SYSTEM. Close radiator and cylinder
b. Unscrew wing-nut, remove hood and lift off filter.
block drain cocks. Fill system with clean, fresh water
Wash filter in solvent. Allow to dry.
(soft, if possible) and install radiator cap. Start engine
c. Pour old oil from filter body and replace with
and operate at a fast idle, using radiator cover as
clean oil.
necessary to bring engine operating temperature to at
d. Reassemble unit.
least 180 deg Fahrenheit. Continue to operate engine
for at least five minutes. Remove radiator cap, open
radiator and cylinder block drain cocks and allow system
to drain. If water is discolored to any extent, repeat this
5-48. PREVENTIVE CLEANING. To clean the cooling
flushing operation.
system of scale, rust or sludge, use engine cooling
system cleaning compound and inhibitor. Be sure to
flush system thoroughly after cleaning as the cleaner
Do not flush system by inserting a
contains a strong acid which, if not completely removed,
hose in the radiator with the engine
may attack the parts of the cooling system.
running and drain cocks open. This
procedure will close the thermostat
and stop circulation of coolant
Do not pour cold coolant into the
through the engine.
radiator when engine temperature is
above 200 deg.
Fahrenheit. Cold
5-53. CLEANING RADIATOR. Clean the radiator cap
by spraying a stream of water (hot, if possible) through
temperature, will close the thermostat
the holes in the valve cage while moving the valve up
and prevent the complete filling of
and down with a pencil or a blunt wooden instrument.
the engine water jackets and
Clean out dirt, trash and insects imbedded in the air
passages. When filling the system
passages of the radiator, using compressed air or a
with a cold coolant, always operate
stream of water. Do not use steam.
the engine until normal operating
temperature is reached (thermostat
opens), then add coolant as required.
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