converter determines the extent to which engine (or
input) torque is multiplied. There is no multiplication of
This section contains a general explanation of
torque when the load can be moved with the amount of
the principles of operation applicable to the fork lift truck.
torque being produced by the engine. When the load is
This section also contains sufficient information
increased, however, a re-routing of the fluid occurs
concerning the location and use of the various controls
inside the torque converter, resulting in increased
and instruments and detailed procedures to be followed
twisting force.
to insure proper operation of the vehicle.
The torque converter has three basic parts as follows:
a. Impeller. The impeller, or pump, is driven by the
engine and consists of a ring of metal blades which turn
Model FJF-060 is a mobile, rider-type
in the fluid-filled converter.
mechanized vehicle, especially designed for the lifting
and transporting of materials. The principal assemblies
b. Turbine. The turbine is made up of blades and
of the unit are as follows.
is directly connected to the shaft of the driven unit.
c. Housing.
The housing, or stator, contains
stationary blades within a sealed housing assembly.
The drive line assembly consists of an engine
4-12. When the impeller blades turn in the fluid, they
transmission assembly, propeller shaft and power axle
actuate the turbine from where the fluid is redirected to
assembly. Operating controls and mechanical linkage
the blades of the housing. These blades, in turn, redirect
for the drive / line assembly are attached to or extend
the fluid to the second set of blades on the turbine.
through the floor plate and are easily accessible to the
Thus, the fluid is directed and redirected through all of
the converter blades.
4-13. Under normal running conditions, the action of
the impeller causes the turbine blades to turn almost
The engine assembly provides motive power for
freely and the fluid passes through the converter easily
propelling the fork lift truck and for driving the engine
and quickly, striking each blade at a very slight angle.
accessories, such as the generator, water pump and
When a load is encountered, however, the turbine slows
hydraulic pump. It is a six-cylinder, four-cycle, in line, "L"
down because it is directly connected to the load shaft
and the fluid strikes the turbine blades at a sharper
for driving the accessories are located at the fan end of
angle. As the force of the fluid is relayed from blade to
the engine (rear of the vehicle). The transmission
blade, the output torque accumulates.
assembly is attached to the bellhousing end of the
engine with- the power axle assembly attached to the
4-14. The torque converter transmission assembly is
transmission by a propeller shaft.
controlled by a valve on the top of the transmission case.
This valve is attached by linkage to a rod extending
through the floor plate and up the steering support
assembly to a hand lever mounted directly below the
4-10. The transmission assembly is the mechanism by
steering wheel. By proper manipulation of the hand
which the operator can determine direction in operation
lever, the operator can place the vehicle in forward,
of the vehicle. The transmission used on the fork lift
reverse, or neutral. A second linkage system connects
truck is a single-speed torque converter transmission
the brake pedal shaft to the inching spool of the
consisting of a torque converter and transmission
transmission control valve. This hook-up allows the
operator to speed up the engine for maximum lifting
power while inching into position with a load. Complete
4-11. The purpose of a torque converter is to multiply
control of the vehicle is effected at all times because it is
the torque, or twisting force of the engine to whose
only necessary to depress the brake pedals an additional
output shaft it is applied. The amount of load or
amount to stop inching and apply brakes. A brake pedal
(resistance applied to the output shaft of the torque
is provided for both left and right foot operation.
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