![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(5) Insert disk (12), long spring (13), new
10-40. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement
packing (16), and disk (15) on power steering port side of
Refer to figure 10-11 and clean, inspect, and replace as
(6) Insert new packing (19), short spring (20),
a. General.
and new packing (21) on control valve port side of spool.
(1) Clean all parts with cleaning compound,
(7) Install plugs (14 and 22) on both ends of
solvent (Spec.
Dry thoroughly with
spool chamber, being careful not to disturb pop jet
compressed air.
seating in spool.
(2) Remove nicks and burrs from all parts with
(8) Install suction line elbow (39).
emery cloth.
c. Install new packing (23) in back plate recess and
b. Drive and Idler Gears.
diaphragm seal (29) into recess of front plate (7). Install
(1) Inspect drive gear shaft (25) for worn splines.
new gaskets (27 and 28) into lip of diaphragm seal.
(2) Inspect both drive gear (25) and idler gear
d. Install and hold ball (34) and springs (35) in
(36) at bearing and seal contact points for rough
position in front plate (30).
surfaces and excessive wear.
e. Install new diaphragm (26) into lip of diaphragm
(3) Inspect both drive and idler gear faces for
seal (29) on top of gaskets, ball and spring. Check to be
scoring and excessive wear. If edges of teeth are sharp,
sure diaphragm fits securely into diaphragm seal lip.
break edges with emery cloth.
f. Dip gear assemblies (25 and 36) in hydraulic oil
c. Bearings.
and slip them into front plate (30) bearings.
Note. Bearings are part of plate assemblies (30
Turn gears and check for free rotation.
and 44) and are not available separately.
g. Aline body assembly (24) dowels with front plate
(1) Inspect all bearing oil grooves. Grooves
dowel holes and tap body with nonmetal object until body
should be half way between horizontal and vertical on
is firmly seated against front plate (30).
pressure side of pump.
h. Aline back plate (44) dowel holes with body
(2) Check to see if front plate assembly (30)
assembly (24) dowels and install back plate on body.
bearings are flush with islands in groove pattern.
i. Place pump in vise, shaft up, and secure plate
d. Back Plate Assembly. Check for scoring on face
assemblies (30 and 44) and body assembly (24) with flat
of back plate assembly (31). If wear exceeds 0.0015 of
washers (31) and bolts (32). Torque bolts to 25 foot-
an inch, plate should be replaced.
e. Body Assembly. Check inside of gear pockets in
j. Oil drive shaft seal (33) and install carefully over
pump body for excessive scoring or wear.
drive shaft (25) splines.
f. Spool and Poppet Seat. Carefully examine flow
k. Rotate pump shaft by hand. Pump should have
divider spool (17), sleeve (18) and poppet seat (11) for
some drag, but should turn freely after a short period of
wear or damage.
10-41. Assembly
10-42. Installation
a. Refer to figure 10-11 and assemble the pump
a. Be sure hydraulic system contains clean oil
unit as follows: b. Use the following procedure to
before installing pump.
assemble back plate assembly.
b. Refer to figure 10-11 and install pump as follows:
(1) Install elbow (40) in control valve port and
a. Install coupling (3) to crankshaft pulley with lock
new packing (43), adapter (42), and check valve (41) in
washers (2) and bolts (1).
power steering port.
d. Attach pump plate to pump assembly with lock
Note. All ports are marked for correct
washers (37) and screws (38).
e. Insert pump shaft into coupling (3). Shaft should
(2) Carefully insert spool (17) and sleeve (18)
slide easily into coupling. If it binds, remove pump and
into back plate and center.
inspect coupling and shaft for burrs or other damage.
Install poppet seat (11) and poppet
assembly (10) in back plate so that seat is firmly seated
in proper groove in the spool (17).
(4) Holding the back plate (44) in the upright
position to insure proper seating of poppet, install spring
(9), new packing (8), shim (7), and plug (6).
Adjust spool (17) accordingly, before tightening plug.
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