![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(8) Remove screw (57), lock washer (58),
10-12. Disassembly
clamp (28), and spacer (29) securing bottom of single lift
cylinder (10) to intermediate mast (7).
a. Refer to figure 10-3 and disassemble as follows:
(9) Remove screw (43) and lock washer (42)
b. Remove inner mast (20) as follows:
attaching upper part of single lift cylinder (10) to bracket
(1) Remove screw (43) and lock washer (42)
(9), and screws (40 and 41) and nuts (39) attaching
connecting inner mast to center cylinder of cylinder
bracket to intermediate mast (7).
cluster (12).
(10) Remove bracket (9) from intermediate
(2) Remove bottom adjustment nuts (50) from
mast (7).
chain anchors (13) and remove chains (17) from cylinder
(11) Remove nut (49) and lock washer (48)
cluster (12) and inner mast (20). Match-mark location of
securing bottom of cylinder assembly (10) through
nuts (50) on anchors (13).
intermediate mast (7) to outer mast (1).
(3) Remove interlock spring (23) from screws
(12) Remove single lift cylinder (10) from
(24) and remove screws.
intermediate mast (7).
(4) Remove screw (54) and spacer (21) from
(13) Remove screws (38), studs (3), shims (4
interlock (22) and remove interlock from inner mast (20).
and 5), and bearings (6) at top of outer mast (1). Note
Tap out pin (53).
size and quantity of shims used.
(5) Using hoist, slowly raise inner mast (20)
(14) Using hoist, slide intermediate mast (7)
until notch at bottom of inner mast channel clears upper
from outer mast (1).
intermediate mast bearing(6).
(15) Remove bearings (6) and shims from
intermediate mast (7), if necessary.
Caution: Do not raise inner mast beyond
d. Remove lubrication fittings (66 and 67) and
clearance point or inner mast bearing (6) will
bearings (2) from outer mast (1).
contact upper intermediate mast bearing, which may
result in damage to the bearings.
Cleaning, Inspection, Replacement and
(6) Check to see that the inner mast bearing
(6) will clear the notch in the upper intermediate mast
a. Clean all parts with cleaning compound, solvent
channel. If both bearings are clear, remove inner mast
(Spec. P-S-661).
(20) from intermediate mast (7) by carefully moving hoist
b. Inspect all parts for wear or damage.
in a horizontal direction.
c. If inner race of bearing is fractured, examine
(7) Remove bearings (6) and shims (4 and 5)
bearing stud for nicks. Replace bearing and stud if
from inner mast (20), if necessary.
damaged as follows: Note. All bearing studs (8, fig. 10-
c. Remove intermediate mast (7) as follows:
3) are welded into position except outer mast bearing
(1) Disconnect elbows (26) and tube (27) from
stud (3), which is attached to a screw 138i.
cylinder cluster and single lift cylinder.
(1) Press bearings (6, fig. 10-3) from studs
(2) Remove screws (46), lock washers (47),
(8) and remove shims (4 and 5). Note size and quantity
and chain guards (11) from crossheads (15).
of shims used.
(3) Remove small spring pins (52), bearing
(2) Remove filler metal from around stud
pins (16), washers (18), and bearings (19) from
using a pencil grinder. Do not make any passes into
mast channel. Remove stud from channel.
(4) Remove screws (51) and crossheads (15)
(3) Prepare welding surface by removing all
from cylinder cluster (12).
foreign material such as rust, scale, grease, etc. Any
(5) Remove nut (45) and lock washer (44)
part that may be damaged by heat should be removed
securing center cylinder of cylinder cluster to
before welding.
intermediate mast (7).
(4) Locate, tilt, and aline new stud on mast
(6) Using hoist, remove cylinder cluster (12)
channels (fig. 10-4). Use Section B-B of figure 10-4 for
from intermediate mast (7).
dimensions of inner mast bearing stud location. Sections
Caution: Always handle cylinder in fully
A-A and B-B of figure 10-4 apply to intermediate mast
collapsed position to avoid scratching or nicking
bearing stud locations.
ram surface.
(7) Remove spacer (34) and clamp (32) from
outer mast (1).
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