![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
g. Install adapter (26) and packing set (27) in
stuffing box (30) bore and install packing (29) and ring
10-7. Assembly
(28) in outside groove of stuffing box.
a. Refer to figure 10-2 and assemble as follows:
h. Install stuffing box assembly, nut (24), and wiper
b. Dip all packings (13, 15, 21, 27 and 29), wiper
(23) on rod (31). Tighten nut (24) securely, then back of
ring (23), guide ring (12), plunger rod (31), and nut (24)
approximately 1/8 turn.
in hydraulic system oil before each is installed.
i. Insert plunger rod (311 with assembled parts in
c. Install ring (16) and packing (15) in follower (18)
tube assembly (10).
and install cup (17), follower, spacers (19 and 20), and
packing (21) on rod (31).
Note. Be certain all ;part, are clean and those
d. Install packing (15) in guide ring (12) bore and
which require soaking in hydraulic system oil have been
packing (13) and backup ring (14) in groove on outside
so serviced. Be sure no dirt o, r water is in tube
diameter of guide ring. Do not overexpand backup ring.
Caution: Never use sharp tools or instruments when
j. Install packing retainer (25) with screw (22).
installing rings or packings.
k. Screw on yoke (6) on rod (31).
e. Install guide ring (12) on plunger rod (31).
f. Install nut (11) on rod (31) and torque nut to 300
10-8. Installation and Adjustment
Refer to TM 10-3930-621-12 for installation and
adjustment procedures.
10-9. Description
Chain guards, mounted on the crossheads and cylinders,
a. The mast assembly is a three section mast
keep the chains from sticking the cylinder plungers and
assembly designed to provide lifts up to 180 inches.
packing. Rams from the, outer cylinders lift and lower
Three units, nested together, comprise the unit; an outer
the carriage along the length of the inner mast by means
mast, intermediate mast, and an inner mast. Each mast
of the chains. The center cylinder of the cluster has the
consists of a structural steel frame, with mounting
ram anchored at the bottom of the intermediate mast and
brackets and blocks welded to it to support the cylinders,
the top of the cylinder attached to the inner mast.
chains, and bearings.
f. The bottom of the outer mast has pivot blocks,
b. The intermediate and inner masts ride on roller
with bearings, for mounting to the truck. Pivot blocks are
bearings, enabling them to telescope up and down.
also provided on the outer mast to connect the tilt
Alinement of the mast channels is accomplished by
cylinders to the mast.
adjusting the roller bearings.
g. An interlock assembly, spring actuated, is
c. A carriage, designed to mount lifting forks, is
mounted on the right beam of the inner mast. The
supported by chains leading from the outer cylinders of
interlock assembly locks all three mast sections in the
the cylinder cluster. Action of the chains, cylinders, and
lowered position until full free lift is accomplished. When
mast raise and lower the carriage.
full free lift is reached, the carriage stop screw strikes the
d. Power to raise and lower the carriage and masts
interlock assembly to release it, allowing all mast
is provided by hydraulic oil pressure to a cylinder
sections to function completely.
assembly and cylinder cluster. The cylinder assembly is
a single cylinder attached to the inner portion of the
10-10. Operation
intermediate mast with the cylinder ram extending
a. When the lift handle on the control valve is
through an opening in the intermediate mast and
pulled to the rear, hydraulic oil pressure is delivered to
anchored at the lower part of the outer mast.
the two outer cylinders of the cylinder cluster. Pressure
The cylinder cluster, consisting of three
forces the cylinder rams to extend upward raising the
cylinders, is mounted forward of the cylinder assembly in
chains and lifting the carriage up the mast. Speed of lift
the intermediate mast. The rams of the two outer
is controlled by engine speed and by valve opening.
cylinders mount the two crosshead and chain bearing
b As the carriage reaches the top of the inner
assemblies, with the chains attached to adjusting bolts in
mast the two outer cylinder rams will be extended to their
mounting brackets on the cylinders. The chains extend
farthest point of travel. With the handle pulled to the
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