![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
h. Remove cotter pin (32), nut (11), and guide ring
10-3. Description
(12) from rod (31).
The two double-acting tilt cylinders serve to tilt the mast
i. Remove packing (13) and backup ring (14) from
assembly. They are located under the toe plate and
groove around outside diameter of guide ring (12), and
pivot at frame and mast brackets. Action of the tilt
packing (15) from bore.
cylinder is a straight line motion. Any misalinement of
tube assembly (10, fig. 10-2) and guide ring (12) will
j. Remove cup (17) and follower (18) from rod
cause rapid wear of internal parts and may break the
tube assembly weld.
k. Remove ring (16) and packing (15) from follower
10-4. Removal
Refer to TM10-3930-621-12 for removal procedure.
l. Remove spacers (19 and 20) and packing (21)
from rod (31).
10-5. Disassembly
10-6. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement
a. Refer to figure 10-2 and disassemble as follows:
a. Clean all metal parts with cleaning compound,
solvent (Spec. P-S-661). Dry parts thoroughly with
b. Secure cylinder tube (10) in vise, being careful
compressed air.
not to deform.
b. Check tube bore for screws or nicks.
c. Remove screw (5), lock washer (7), and nut and
unscrew yoke (6) from plunger rod (31).
c. Check guide ring (12) sliding surfaces for
d. Remove screw (22) and packing retainer (25).
scores, nicks, or irregularities.
d. Check bores of guide ring (12) and stuffing box
e. Withdraw plunger rod (31) with assembled parts
(30) and mating surfaces of guide ring for damage which
from tube assembly (10).
could cause faulty seating, leaks or damage to other
f. Remove wiper (23), nut (24) and stuffing box
e. Check all backup rings for cracks, bends,
deformation, stripped threads, and other damage.
g. Remove ring (28) and packing (29) from groove
in outside diameter of stuffing box (30), and packing set
f. Replace all packing, wiper rings, and damaged
(27) and adapter (26) from inside diameter.
mating or sliding surface parts.
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