![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
h. Carefully slide head (20) off rod (13) end and
c. Position backup washers (23) and packing (24) on
remove head seal (21), wiper (14), backup washer (18),
piston (25).
and packing (19) .from head. Discard packing.
d. Install piston (25) on rod (13) and secure with nut
i. Remove nut (22) securing piston (25) to rod end and
slide piston off rod.
e. Install packing (19), backup washer (18), wiper (14)
j. Remove two backup washers (23) and packing (24)
in head (20).
from piston (25). Discard packing.
f. Position head seal (21), lock ring (17), spacer (16)
k. Remove rod seal (26) from rod (13).
and lock ring (15) on head.
l. Check bearing (11) and lubrication fitting (27) at
g. Carefully slide piston and rod assembly into tube
tube end. If damaged, replace parts. Press bearing
from cylinder to remove.
Position head assembly over rod (13) and
compress lock ring (17).
9-10. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement
With lock ring (17) compressed, slide head
a. Clean all parts with cleaning compound, solvent
assembly into tube until lock ring snaps into tube groove.
(Spec. P-S-661).
j. Install elbows (5) in cylinder.
b. Inspect tube bore, rod head, and piston for cracks,
k. Install spring (28), seat (29), and adjusting plug (30)
scratches, scoring, and other damage. Repair or replace
in link (3).
damaged components.
l. Install nut (4) and link (3) on rod (13).
c. Replace all seals and packing.
m. Install lubrication fitting (2), plug (31), and cotter
d. Prior to assembling, coat all components with clean
pin (1) in link (3).
hydraulic oil to aid in installation and provide initial
n. If bearing (11) was removed, press new bearing
into bore at end of cylinder.
9-11. Assembly
9-12. Installation and Adjustment
a. Refer to figure 9-6 and assemble as follows:
Refer to TM 10-3930-621-12 for installation and
Caution: Be careful not to damage seals and
adjustment procedures.
packing during assembly.
b. Install rod seal (26) on rod (13).
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