![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
d. Use a wooden hammer handle to force piston
through the ring compressor into the cylinder bore. Keep
f. Install lower half of connecting rod bearing in
the ring compressor tight against the cylinder block to
connecting rod bearing cap and install cap, nuts, and
prevent ring damage.
cotter pins.
e. Oil crankshaft journal with internal combustion
g. Tighten connecting rod bearing cap nuts to 44-46
engine lubricating oil (OE). Install upper half of bearing
foot-pounds of torque. h. Install oil pan (para 3-40),
into connecting rod, and seat bearing on crankshaft
cylinder head (TM 10-3930-621-12), and engine (para 2-
bearing cap nuts. Pull down on all nuts evenly, going
3-31. Replacement
from one side of the bearing to the other. Apply final
a. General. Both the connecting rod and main
tension with a torque wrench, using a slow steady pull
bearings are of the steel-backed, precision type. Due to
and holding the wrench "on torque" for a few seconds
the close machining of this type of bearing, not fitting,
when the proper value is reached. It is preferable to go
filing, scraping, boring or other adjustment is required or
to a slightly higher tension if necessary. Previous over-
permissible. Replacement must be in complete bearings
torquing or some other damage to the bolt or nut is
units. Never replace (only one half of a bearing. Service
sometimes encountered and will be felt by the torque
bearings are available in standard size only. Never
"softening up" so that the nut can be turned without any
attempt to adjust a bearing by filing, grinding, or lapping
appreciable increase in wrench tension. Never allow a
the hearing cap. The bearing seats are precision ground
bolt or a nut in this condition to remain on the engine.
with the caps in place. Any metal removed from neither
side prevents the proper fit of a connecting rod bearing in
3-34. Main Bearing Crush
the rod and, makes the entire engine block unsuited for
The term "crush" is generally understood to mean the
projection of the bearing edges above flush with the
b. Emergency Replacement of Main Bearings. In' an
mating surfaces of the bearing seat and cap. This
emergency a main bearing may be replaced without
crushing action forces the bearing halves into close
removing the crankshaft. This type of repair is to be
contact with their seats for greater rigidity and good heat
confined to emergency field conditions only.
conduction. The correct amount of crush has been
Disassemble engine as necessary.
allowed during the manufacture of the bearings and no
(1) Remove the bearing cap and its bearing
attention to that detail is necessary at the time of
replacement. The use of a torque wrench for tightening
(2) Place a soft brass or aluminum strip against
bearings is necessary to insure sufficient "crush" on the
an exposed edge of the upper bearing and firmly push
bearings to force the shells against the engine block
the hearing around the crankshaft journal.
metal without distortion.
(3) Inspect and replace both bearings as
3-35. Running Clearance Tests
necessary. Never replace one alone.
a. Connecting Rod. The test of connecting rod
(4) Inspect journal surface for roughness, out-
bearing clearance consists of manually gripping the rod
of-round, or undersize; any of which greatly reduce
cap, after the bearing bolts are tightened, and attempting
bearing life. For best performance and reliability it is
to move the rod from side to side in the direction of end
recommended that the crankshaft be removed so that
clearance. A well fitted bearing is usually loose enough
adequate inspection and checks, for conformance to
to be "snapped" from side to side without actually feeling
design tolerance may be preformed.
so loose as to push easily. Sometimes a slightly snug
3-32. Cleaning
bearing will not move under pressure, but will move
Be sure the bearings seat on absolutely clean surfaces
readily under light blows from a soft-faced hammer. This
and that the back of the bearings are wiped clean. The
test usually is considered satisfactory, providing the
slightest bit of dirt or carbon squeezed between the back
engine has been given adequate break-in time.
of a bearing and its seat can cause rapid bearing failure
b. Main Bearing. Generally the test on main bearings
by developing a localized high spot.
consists of tightening each bearing cap in turn and
turning the crankshaft to detect binding. one accurate
3-33. Torquing
test is:
Equally important in obtaining maximum bearing life is
the correct tension on the connecting rod
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