![]() transmission and parking brake.
peller shaft as follows:
(2) Secure propeller shaft to parking brake and
output shaft with eight screws. Lock screws with
(1) Slide output shaft into transmission to clear
locking wire.
propeller shaft and install propeller shaft between
3-57. General
a. The front or driving axle is connected to the
dry thoroughly. Install breather and tighten securely.
c. The level plug is located at the right front of the
transmission by the propeller shaft. The shaft drives
the differential in the center of the axle. Torque is
axle housing. Remove plug and check level of lubri-
transmitted to the axles or jackshafts. The pinion
cant. Oil should be to level of plug hole. Add lubri-
on the axle is meshed with a ring or bull gear in the
cant as required. Install plug.
d. The drain plug is located at the bottom of the
wheel assembly. Rotation of the axles rotates the
wheels providing motive power for the truck.
differential housing. Remove level plug. Place a
b. The rear or steering axle is mounted on brackets
suitable container beneath axle, remove plug, and
at the front and rear. The spindles pivot on king pins
drain lubricant. Install plug and tighten securely.
Fill differential through level plug opening to level
and are actuated by tie rods extending from a pivot
arm mounted at the center of the axle. A steering
of hole. Install level plug.
e. Lubrication of axle pinion and ring and bull
cylinder, controlled by the steering valve, rotates the
pivot arm in the direction required to turn the wheels.
gear is accomplished by removing the front wheel.
c. The following paragraphs describe service func-
Refer to paragraph 3-62 and remove the rear wheels.
tions allocated to organizational maintenance for
Clean the pinion and ring gears with solvent and dry
the axles.
thoroughly with compressed air. Lubricate gears
sparingly with grease (GAA). Install rear wheels.
3-58. Front Axle
3-59. Rear Axle
a. Service points on the front axle include the
breather and drain and level plugs.
a. The rear, or steering axle, requires very little
b. The breather is located on the right top of the
service. Lubricate according to the lubrication order.
differential housing. Remove breather and clean
b. Check tie rods, axle, and drag link for damage.
with cleaning compound, solvent (Spec. P-S-661) and
Start engine and check steering action.
3-60. General
a. Brakes on the fork lift consist of two systems:
c. The service brakes are hydraulically actuated
a hand operated parking brake on the propeller shaft
through a pedal and master cylinder. Depressing the
pedal operates the master cylinder sending
and service brakes on the two front wheels.
b. The parking brake is a dual-shoe mechanical
hydraulic pressure to the wheel cylinders. The wheel
cylinders are the double end type and hydraulic
operated type. Actuation of the brake is accomplished
pressure extends the ends of the cylinder, pivoting
through a brake lever mounted on the left of the in-
the brake shoes against the brake drum inside the
strument panel. Pulling the brake lever to the rear
wheel. The pressure in the master cylinder also closes
tightens the cable and moves the cam lever at the
brake up. Movement of the lever expands the brake
the stop light switch and operates the stop light.
When the pedal is released, springs return and the
shoes against the drum. This pressure keeps the shaft
from rotating, locking the front wheels and holding
pedal and brake shoes to the released position. The
brakes are self-adjusting.
the truck in position.
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