![]() (4) Tap out seat (29) and spring (28) from
5-7. Power Steering Cylinder
link. Remove elbows (5) from tube assembly (10).
a. Description.
When hydraulic oil is under
(5) Remove lockring (14) holding spacer (15)
regulated pressure from the steering gear and enters the
in position and remove spacer.
power steering cylinder, the piston moves forward or
(6) Compress lockring (16) holding head (19)
back within a tube, depending on which side of the piston
cylinder assembly (10) and remove actuating rod (12)
hydraulic fluid is forced. The movement of the piston
with remaining components attached from cylinder
rod, with attached yoke, moves the steering axle pivot
assembly (10).
arm and attached tie rods.
(7) Carefully slide head (19) off rod (12) end
b. Removal.
and remove head seal (20), wiper (13), backup washer
Refer to TM 10-3930-618-20 for removal procedure.
(17), and packing (18) from head. Discard packing.
c. Disassembly.
(8) Remove nut (21) securing piston (24) to
(1) Refer to figure 5-8 and disassemble as
rod end and slide piston off rod.
(9) Remove two backup washers (22) and
(2) Remove cotter pin (1) and adjusting plug
packing (23) from piston (24). Discard packing.
(30) from end of steering link (3).
(10) Remove rod seal (25) from rod (12).
(3) Remove lubrication fitting (2) and plug (31)
(11) Check bearing (27) and lubrication fitting
from steering link and remove link and nut (4) from rod
(26) at tube end. If damaged, replace parts. Press
bearing from cylinder to remove.
Key to figure 5-8.
1 Cotter pin
2 Lubrication fitting
3 Link
4 Nut
5 Elbow
6 Pin
7 Lockwasher
8 Screw
9 Spacer
10 Cylinder assembly
11 Cylinder
12 Rod
13 Wiper
14 Lockring
15 Spacer
16 Lockring
17 Backup washer
18 Packing
19 Head
20 Head seal
21 Nut
22 Backup washer
23 Packing
24 Piston
25 Seal
26 Lubrication fitting
27 Bearing
28 Spring
29 Ball seat
30 Plug
31 Plug
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