![]() e. Reassembly.
(3) Unscrew packing nut (24) from retainer
(1) Assemble tilt cylinder in reverse order of
procedures in disassembly (c above), with the addition of
(4) Remove screw (23) from retainer (22) and
unscrew retainer from tube assembly.
the following:
(5) Grasp rod (16) and pull all internal parts
(a) Dip all packings, gaskets, and wiper
(assembled) from tube assembly.
rings in hydraulic oil before assembly.
(6) Remove cotter pin (4) and nut (3) from
(b) Oil piston parts, plunger rod, and
rod (16).
packing nut before installation.
(7) Disassemble remainder of parts in order
(c) When installing packing (6) on guide
ring (15), do not stretch packing any more than
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
absolutely necessary.
(1) Clean all metal parts with solvent and dry
(d) Do not expand backup washers any
more than necessary.
(2) Check cylinder tube bore for scores or
Never use sharp tools or instruments
(3) Check sliding surfaces of guide ring (5)
when installing rings, packings, or
and follower (12) for scores, nicks, or other irregularities
backup washers.
which could damage cylinder tube bore.
(e) Torque nut (3) to 300 foot-pounds,
(4) Check bores of guide ring (5), follower
and install cotter pin (4).
(12), and packing nut (24) and mating surfaces of
(f) Tighten packing nut securely, then
plunger rod (16) for damage which could cause faulty
back off approximately 1/8 turn.
seating, leaks, or damage to other parts.
(2) Be certain that all parts are kept clean
(5) Check all backup rings and hardware for
during installation and that no dirt or water is allowed to
cracks, bends, deformation, stripped threads, and other
enter the cylinder before the hydraulic lines are
(6) If mating or sliding surfaces are damaged
f. Installation. Install the tilt cylinder by reversing
the parts must be replaced.
the procedure in paragraph 2-12.
(7) Replace all packings, guard rings, and
wiper rings.
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