![]() (2) Blow out all passages with compressed air
the fuel bowl; then install the fibre washer (34) and
and make certain that all carbon deposits have been
passage plug (33).
(j) Install the drain plug (35) in the
removed from the throttle bore and idle ports.
(3) Inspect for float leaks and other damage.
bottom of the fuel bowl.
(4) Inspect float axle bearings for excessive
(2) Assemble throttle body as follows:
(a) Install throttle shaft seals (9 and 46),
(5) Inspect top side of float lever for wear
open side out, followed by the retainers. Retainers must
where it contacts the fuel valve needle.
be flush with throttle body.
(6) Inspect float axle for wear on bearing
(b) Insert the throttle shaft (48) with the
throttle lever into the throttle body.
(7) Inspect idle adjusting needle and spring
(c) With the throttle shaft positioned
for wear or ridges on needle point, weak or bent spring,
with the throttle lever down, install the roll pins (55) in the
and other damage.
governor end of the shaft until the bottom of the pin is
(8) Inspect throttle plate for burred or
flush with the shaft.
damaged edges.
(d) Install the governor lever up. Install
the coil spring in the same position as when it was
Never clean a throttle plate with a buffing
wheel or sharp instrument.
(e) Install the retainer (31 and the cotter
(9) Inspect choke plate for bends, burrs or
pin (2).
damaged edges.
(f) Rotate the throttle shaft to closed
(10) Inspect choke shaft for bends and wear at
position, insert the throttle plate in the cutout section of
bearing surfaces.
the shaft, holding the plate in position with the fingers.
(11) Inspect throttle shaft for wear at the
(g) Start the throttle plate screws (57)
bearing surfaces.
and tighten, being sure that the throttle plate is properly
(12) Check the jets for specified sizes
centered in the throttle body bore.
Idle jet ......................No. 15
Fuel valve.................No. 40
The screw holes in the throttle plate are
Main jet.....................No. 26
off center. Start the side of the throttle
plate with the shortest distance between
26 Discharge jet.......No. 65
the screw holes and beveled edge into
Well vent jet.............No. 26
place first. The throttle plate is made
Idle air bleed............No. 25
with two opposite edges beveled to fit the
Venturi.....................No. 20
throttle body bore when the plate is
(13) Replace defective parts as authorized.
closed. The throttle plate will not close
e. Assembly. Before assembling the carburetor,
tightly if installed upside down. Pressure
make certain all the above inspections and checks have
on the plate must be maintained with the
been completed. Check for correct location of parts (fig.
finger until the screws are tightened.
When properly installed, the side of the
(1) Assemble fuel bowl body as follows:
throttle plate farthest away from the
(a) Press the choke shaft (24) and
mounting flange will be aligned with the
retainer (41) into the bowl bore until the retainer is flush
idle port when the plate is closed.
with the machined surface.
(h) Install the idle adjusting needle (13)
(b) In the opposite hole, install the shaft
and friction spring (12) in the threaded passage in the
hole plug (37) with a hammer.
front of the throttle body. Seat the needle lightly and then
(c) Install the choke bracket (27),
back out 1 1/4 full turns as a preliminary adjustment.
keeping in mind its position when removed.
(i) Install the idle jet (44) in its
(d) Insert the choke plate (38), poppet
counterbored passage in the machined surface.
valve first and stem down, into the air intake.
(i) Install the fuel valve and seat (17)
(e) Hold the choke plate up and insert
and the fibre washer (16).
the choke shaft into place with the cutout section facing
(k) Install the fuel valve needle in the
seat, then install the float (20) and the float axle (21).
(f) Rotate the shaft to the closed
Make certain the float is free and is centered on the
position, place the choke plate in the cutout section and
throttle body.
install the screws (39). Be sure the plate is properly
(l) Check for correct level by inverting
centered before tightening the screws.
the throttle body and measuring from the machined
(g) Install the main jet (28) and fibre
surface of the body to the top side of the float bodies at
washer (29) in the fuel bowl.
the highest point. The dimension should be 1.5/32 inch
(h) Install the well vent jet (42).
1/32 inch. To increase or decrease the distance
(i) Install the discharge jet (32) and
between the float body and the
fibre washer (31) in the large threaded passage beneath
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