Section I. GENERAL
used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance
1-1. Scope
levels are listed in, and prescribed by, TM 38-750.
This manual contains instructions for the use of direct
1-3. Reporting of Errors
support and general support maintenance personnel
maintaining the fork lift truck (Allis-Chalmers Model
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
FP60-24PS) as allocated by the Maintenance Allocation
improving this publication by the individual user is
It provides information on equipment
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
maintenance which is beyond the scope of the tools,
2028, (Recommended Changes to Publications) and
equipment, personnel, or supplies normally available
forwarded direct to Commanding General, U.S. Army
at organizational maintenance.
Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP,
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
1-2. Forms and Records
Maintenance forms, records and reports which are to be
Fuel feed ............................. Mechanical pump is a cam-
1-4. Description
shaft operated valve and
A general description of the fork lift truck is contained in
diaphragm type
TM 10-3930-618-10. A more detailed description of
Air cleaner ........................... Oil bath type
specific components and assemblies is contained in the
Ignition................................. Battery and distributor.
applicable sections of this manual. Detailed description
distributor gap 0.022 in.
of components and assemblies are provided in the
Oil pump:
applicable maintenance paragraphs of this manual.
Type .................................... Gear
Pressure .............................. 70-90 psi (pound per square
1-5. Tabulated Data
inch) relief valve bypass
a. Identification. The major identification plates of the
Valves ................................ Rotator type
fork lift truck are located and described in TM 10-3930-
Valve clearance:
Intake (cold) ..................... 0.012 in.
b. Tabulated Data.
Exhaust (cold) ................. 0.014 in.
(1) Engine assembly.
Intake (hot) ...................... 0.010 in.
Manufacturer .....................Allis-Chalmers
Exhaust (hot) .................. 0.012 in.
Hydraulic Pump Specifications:
Type....................................OHV (overhead valve)
Primary flow ..................... 2 to 3 GPM (gallons per
Number of cylinders ...........6
Piston stroke.......................4 1 / 8 inches
Secondary flow.................... 18 to 19 GPM
Bore ....................................3 7/16 inches
RPM (Revolutions per
Compression ......................7.3:1
minute) ............................. 2200
Piston displacement ...........230 cubic inches
PSI (Pounds per
Firing order .........................1-5-3-6-2-4
square inch) .................. 2000
Governed speed .................2200 rpm (revolutions per
Primary flow relief:
minute) under load
Valve set at ..................... 1600 100 PSI
Idle speed ...........................500 rpm
(2) Torque converter and transmission.
S.A.E. rated horsepower (HP)
Manufacturer ............ Allis-Chalmers
Maximum @ 2200 rpm..... 55.0 hp
(3) Clutch assembly.
Intermittent @ 2200 rpm .. 49.5 hp
Manufacturer ...................... Allis-Chalmers
Continuous @ 1800 rpm .. 36 hp
(4) Generator.
Lubrication ..........................Forced feed main and con-
Manufacturer ....................... Delco-Remy
necting rod bearings with oil
(5) Starter motor.
Manufacturer ....................... Delco-Remy
Cooling system ...................Pressure-type radiator, with
(6) Distributor.
fan and water pump
Manufacturer ....................... Delco-Remy
Electrical system.................12 V dc (volts, direct current)
(7) Fuel pump.
Manufacturer .................... AC Spark Plug Div of General
Motors Corp
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