(7) After filling transmission with oil, check for
2-43. General
oil leakage around the gasket area, tighten filter
The transmission consists of three major components,
sufficient to stop leakage.
a torque converter, a hydraulically actuated clutch
b. Removal of Filter Assembly.
pack, and a single speed constant mesh transmission.
(1) Refer to figure 2-12 and remove filter assembly
RR follows: Disconnect oil lines from fittings on filter
2-44. Transmission Oil Filter
base. Tag lines to aid in reassembly. Plug the open end
a. Removal of Filler Element.
of oil lines to keep dirt out of lines and prevent leakage
(1) Operate transmission until oil temperature
of oil from lines.
reaches operating temperature (about 10-15 minutes).
(2) Remove capscrews and washers securing filter
(2) Use oil filter removing tool. unscrew and
bracket to engine block.
discard filter. See figure 2-12.
(3) Remove filter assembly.
(3) Clean dirt and sediment from filter base. Be
c. Installation of Filter Assembly. Reverse procedure
sure all lint, etc., is removed if a rag is used to clean
in b above. Service transmission as described in II above.
(4) Apply a light coat of oil to the rubber gasket
2-45. Transmission Torque Converter
on the filter. Screw filter to filter base until hand tight.
Every 1000 hours remove torque converter and
Do not use removing tool to replace filter.
transmission drain plug and drain. Remove spring and
screen, which are held in place by drain plug. Wash
(5) Start engine and run engine for about 5
screen in SD before reinstalling. Access to converter
minutes. With engine running and transmission in
drain plug is gained through timing covers opening on
neutral (N) check transmission oil level with dipstick.
engine flywheel housing. Rotate flywheel until drain
plug is in opening, remove plug, and rotate flywheel
Be sure parking brake is set.
until plug is aligned with drain opening at bottom of
(6) Add transmission oil (prescribed on the lubri-
flywheel housing. Drain and install plugs. Fill trans-
cation order) until oil reaches full level on dipstick,
mission to FULL mark; operate transmission for
about 1 quart.
5 minutes; check for leaks: check oil level and bring
to FULL mark.
Do not overfill transmission, overfilling can
cause damage to transmission seals.
bottom. Remove plugs and drain all oil turn drive
2-46. General
wheels until filter openings are at the top. See lubrica-
The front axle consists of two components; the front
tion order for quantity and weight of oil to be added.
axle assembly and the differential.
2-48. Differential Servicing
2-47. Front Axle Assembly Servicing
Every 100 hours check oil level in differential. Every
Every 50 hours, turn drive wheel until oil plugs are in
l000 hours oil in differential is to be drained and re-
position 90 from bottom dead center. Remove plugs
filled. See lubrication order for quantity and weight of
and check oil level. Add oil as necessary. Every 1000
oil to be used.
hours, turn drive wheels until oil plugs are at the
2-49. General
2-50. Steering Axle
Every 50 hours the steering axle trunnions and king
The rear axle consists of an axle and two wheels. See
pins will be lubricated. See lubrication order for
Lubrication Order LO-3930-618-12.
location of grease fittings.
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