![]() (4) Remove relief valve assembly consisting
(7) Install cover (25). Tighten cover screws
of plug (15), packing (16), valve (17) and spring (18) by
(11) to 25 to 30 foot pounds torque.
pressing out pin (14) from boss on side of cover (25).
(8) Install pressure control valve spring (18)
in relief valve bore. Insert valve (17) with hex toward
spring. Install plug (15) with packing (16) in bore and
Some valve parts are under spring pressure.
hold it in position while driving in a new retaining pin
Take care to prevent their being lost when the
pin is removed. Do not disassemble valve (17).
(9) Install gasket (4) and manifold (I) with
(5) Separate pumpshaft (5), washer (6), seal
washers (3) and screws (2).
(7) and bearing (8) from body (10).
(6) Remove pins (22) from ring (21) and
remove ring, plate (23) and spring (24) from body (10).
DISASSEMBLY. Proceed as follows:
Proceed as
(1) Inspect surfaces of all parts which are
subject to wear. Light scoring may be removed from
appearing, but not interchangeable, parts.
faces of body (10) with crocus cloth (by placing cloth on
flat surface), medium India stone or by lapping. Check
containers for parts related to each spool, to
edges of vanes (19) for wear. Vanes must not have
avoid problems at assembly. Equivalent parts
excessive play in slots or burrs on edges. Replace if
with different index numbers on figure 7-22 are
necessary. Check each rotor (20) slot for sticky vanes
not interchangeable.
or wear. Vanes should drop in rotor slots by their own
(1) Unscrew plugs and seals (36 and 37,
weight when both slot and vane are dry.
(2) Replace pumpshaft seal (7) at each
Back out setscrew (4), and remove spring (9) and
overhaul to prevent oil leakage. Check pumpshaft seal
plunger (10). Remove safety relief valve cap (5) and
diameter for wear and scoring. Do not install a new seal
packing (8).
on a pumpshaft (5) which is worn or damaged at seal
(2) Remove packing (6) and retainer (7), seat
diameter. Replace pumpshaft if worn. Stone and polish
(11) spring (12), screen (13), plunger (14) and seat (l5).
sharp edges of pumpshaft to prevent damage to seal.
(3) Remove check valve cap (16), packing
(3) Stone all mating surfaces of body (10 and
(17), spring (18) and poppet (19).
cover (25) with a medium India stone, if necessary, to
(4) Remove screws (22) and retainer plates
remove all burrs and sharp edges. Rewash all parts
(21) from both TILT and HOIST valves. Remove wiper
after stoning.
rings (23), packing retainers (24) and packings (25).
(5) Take off both spool caps (20), and
Liberally coat all parts with
remove retaining rings (26), four spring retainers (27),
automatic transmission fluid and assemble as follows:
springs (29), and washers (28).
(1) Carefully install new seal (7) and pump
(6) Remove packing retainers (30) and
shaft (5) in body (10). Avoid damaging bushing in body,
packings (31).
and seal.
(7) Remove spool (33) and spool (32) from
(2) Install locating pins (22) in pump body.
body (38).
Install ring (21) over pins in correct direction of rotation.
(8) If identification plate (34) must be
(3) Install rotor (20) with chamfered edge of
replaced, remove drive screws (35).
splined hole toward pump body. The chamfer facilitates
6-184. CLEANING. Cleaning parts of control valve as
(4) Install vanes (19) with their radius edge
toward the inner ring contour. packings (12 and 13) in
(1) Wash parts thoroughly in SD. Dry parts
grooves of pump body.
with soft lintfree cloth or with compressed air under
(5) Install packings (12 and 13) in grooves of
moderate pressure.
pump body.
(2) Assure that all fluid passages are free of
(6) Install pressure plate (23) and pressure
plate spring (24).
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