LOCAL WORKSITE. When the new worksite
is near, the fork lift truck may be operated under its own
Avoid contact with the battery electrolyte. If the
power f the area is relatively level. If the ground is
solution comes in contact with the skin, rinse the
rough, sandy, or muddy, tile fork lift may be loaded into
area immediately with clean water to avoid skin
a truck, trailer, or other carrier to be moved. No
burns. Do not smoke or use an open flame in
dismantling of the truck is required for movement to a
the vicinity when servicing batteries as they
local worksite.
generate hydrogen, an explosive gas.
DISTANT WORKSITE. When the fork lift
Position battery between battery clamps in
truck must be moved to a distant worksite, it may be
battery compartment and remove hoist. Tighten battery
loaded onto a truck, trailer, or other carrier and secured
clamp screws to prevent battery movement.
with block, strapping, cables and the like. Disconnect
the battery cable connector before transporting tile fork
Connect battery leads securely at battery
lift truck.
The only reinstallation after movement
receptacles and close battery compartment doors.
required is the connection of the battery cable connector
with its mating receptacle.
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