TM 10-3930-611-35
Figure 3-8. Contactors, SCR panel, fuse holders and terminal strips, and time delay relay, removal and installation.
gland bearings. Inspect all other parts for breaks,
(2) Install the lift chain, forks, lifting
cracks, bends, elongated mounting holes, defective
carriage and load backrest.
seals and other defects.
3-10. Mast Assembly
(3) Replace first stage filter screen if
a. Removal
clogged. Replace piston rods if base metal is visible.
Replace or rework piston rods if pitting marks are
(1) Remove the headlight (TM 10-3930-
deeper than 0.020 inch. Replace wiper and o-rings if
deteriorated. Replace wear rings if damaged or if
(2) Refer to figure 3-11 and remove the
clearance between ring and cylinder exceeds 0.020
mast assembly.
inch. Replace gland bearings if clearance exceeds
0.015 inch. Replace defective seals and other defective
disassemble the mast assembly.
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Wash all parts in a dry cleaning
reassemble the lift cylinder.
solvent (Federal Specification P-D-680) and dry
e. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 3-9 and install the lift
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