![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-132. Repair and Replacement of Accelerator Relay
d. If contacts on contact arm or on contact bracket
require replacement, remove nuts from threaded studs
on contacts and withdraw contacts from arm and
a. If contacts are slightly pitted or burned, smooth
up surfaces with a file. Do not use emery cloth or
sandpaper. Discoloration on contacts does not affect
proper operation and need not be removed if contacts
which secure switch to bracket, and remove switch.
are not pitted or burned. Do not remove more metal
f. Remove self-locking nuts, cup washers and
than necessary to obtain smooth contact surfaces.
springs from studs on armature support; and, withdraw
b. Repair minor thread damage with a tap or
armature from armature support.
thread chaser.
c. Replace all cracked or distorted parts.
which secure bracket and armature support to magnet
frame; and, withdraw bracket and armature support.
d. Replace coil if damaged due to overheating or if
resistance measured is not within specified limits.
h. Remove screw and lockwasher from center of
coil core; then, remove coil core, spring washer and coil
from magnet frame.
3-133. Reassembly of Accelerator Relay (fig. 3-24)
a. Mount molded contact support on magnet frame
i. Remove flathead screw and lockwasher to
with flathead screw and lockwasher.
separate magnet frame from molded contact support.
b. Insert coil core through spring washer and
3-130. Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Accelerator
through coil and secure to magnet frame with screw and
a. Blow dust from parts with compressed air under
c. Mount bracket and armature support to magnet
moderate pressure.
frame with screws, flatwashers and lockwashers.
b. If additional cleaning is required, wipe parts with
d. Install armature on armature support; then,
cloth moistened with SD.
apply springs, cup washers and self-locking nuts to
studs of armature support.
3-131. Inspecting Parts of Accelerating Relay
e. Mount switch on switch bracket with screws,
a. Inspect all threaded parts and tapped holes for
flatwashers and lockwashers.
stripping or other thread damage.
f. Install contacts on contact bracket and on
b. Inspect bus, contact arm, contact bracket,
contact arm and secure with nuts.
armature support, switch bracket, magnet frame and
g. Place contact arm on stud in armature; then,
armature for distortion or other damage.
place spring and cup washer on stud, and insert
c. Inspect contacts on contact arm and on contact
cotterpin through hole in studs. Spread prongs of
cotterpin just sufficiently to retain cotter-pin.
bracket for wear, pitting or burning.
d. Inspect shunt for fraying and for security of
h. Secure one end of shunt to contact arm with a
screw, flatwasher and lockwasher. Use a screw and
lockwasher to secure other end of shunt and bus to
e. Inspect molded contact supports for cracks or
magnet frame.
other damage.
i. Mount stop on molded contact support with
f. Inspect springs for distortion.
screws and lockwashers.
j. Mount contact bracket on molded contact
for operation as switch plunger is depressed.
support with screw and lockwasher.
resistance of 46.9 4.7 ohms at 70F. Also inspect coil
for damage due to overheating.
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