![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
c. Inspect contacts for wear, pitting and burning.
b. Place spring washer and coil on frame assembly
and secure with retaining ring.
d. Inspect shunt for fraying and for security of
c. Screw threaded ends of posts into frame
assembly; then, secure flatwashers to upper ends of
e. Inspect springs for elongation or other distortion.
posts with screws.
d. Mount U-shaped contact support on base with
pump relay coil is 28.2 2.8 ohms and that resistance of
screws and flatwashers.
master switch relay coil is 46.9 4.7 ohms at 70 .
e. Mount contacts on U-shaped contact support
Also inspect coil for damage due to overheating.
and on flat contact support with lockwashers and self-
locking nuts.
3-118. Repair and Replacement of Pump Relay and
Master Switch Relay Parts
f. Assemble flat contact support on armature;
insert pin through armature and contact support; and,
a. If contacts are slightly pitted or burned, smooth
assemble cup washer, spring, cup washer and retaining
up surfaces with a file. Do not use emery cloth or
ring on pin.
sandpaper. Do not remove more metal than required to
obtain smooth contact surfaces.
g. Mount guide on armature with two screws and
secure support to frame assembly with two screws.
b. Repair minor thread damage with a tap' or
thread chaser.
h. Insert screw through fulcrum, through guide and
through support; then, install spring and cup washer on
c. Replace all cracked or distorted parts.
screw and secure with self-locking nut.
i. Secure one end of shunt together with terminal
3-119. Reassembly of Pump and Master Switch
to frame assembly with screw and lockwasher; and,
Relays (fig. 3-22)
secure other end of shunt to flat contact assembly with
a. Assemble frame assembly to base with screws
screw and lockwasher.
and washers.
busses to magnet frame; then, remove shunts and
3-120. Description of Forward and Reverse Relay
The forward and reverse relay comprises two coils and
two armatures and two sets of form C contacts. The two
c. Remove cotterpins, cup washers and springs
armatures operate independently; however, interlock
from studs on armatures and lift off right hand and left
switches are mounted on the magnet frames and are
hand contact arms.
used in the circuit to prevent both coils from being
d. If contacts on contact arms or on contact
energized simultaneously.
supports require replacement, remove nuts from
threaded studs on contacts and withdraw contact from
3-121. Removal of Forward and Reverse Relay
arms and supports.
Removal of the forward and reverse relay from the
control panel is recommended for repair in accordance
which secure switches to brackets and remove switches.
with the following instructions. Refer to paragraph 2-29
f. Remove selflocking nuts, cup washers and
for removal procedure.
springs from studs on armature supports; and, withdraw
armatures from armature supports.
3-122. Disassembly of Forward and Reverse Relay
which secure brackets and armature supports to magnet
a. Remove screws, and lockwashers which secure
frames; and, withdraw brackets and armature supports.
upper contact support and two lower contact supports to
h. Remove screws and lockwashers from center of
molded contact support.
Remove screws and
coil cores; then, remove coil cores, spring washers and
lockwashers which secure bus to lower contact supports
coils from magnet frames.
if separation of lower contact supports is required.
which secure shunts to contact arms, and remove
screws and lockwashers which secure shunts and
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