![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-39. Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Steering Gear
(5) Close above half of ball guide with second
Clean all parts by washing in SD. Dry parts with clean
half of ball guide. While holding two halves of ball guide
cloth or with compressed air under moderate pressure.
together, plug each open end with petroleum jelly to
Clean parts thoroughly to facilitate inspection.
prevent balls from falling out. Push guide into guide
holes in ball nut to complete one circuit.
3-40. Inspecting Parts of Steering Gear
a. Inspect teeth on pitman shaft gear for wear,
If guide does not push all the way in
pitting, or other damage. Also check fit of pitman shaft
easily, tap guide lightly into place
gear in sleeve bearing mounted in housing and check fit
with small block of wood.
of pitman shaft gear pilot in bushing of side cover.
(6) Fill second ball circuit in same manner as
b. Check housing, wormshaft, bracket, end cover,
described above.
side cover and pitman arm for cracks and distortion.
(7) Assemble ball guide clamp to ball nut with
c. Check all threaded parts and tapped holes for
screw and lockwasher.
stripped threads or other thread damage.
(8) Check assembly by rotating ball nut on
worm to determine that nut moves freely without binding
damage to surfaces of balls and for cracked, chipped or
or roughness. Do not rotate ball nut to end of worm as
worn cones and cups.
damage to ends of ball guides may result. If binding or
roughness is detected, some slight damage to ends of
e. Check ball guides for damage at ends which
ball guides, to worm grooves, or to balls may have been
deflect or pick up balls. Check balls and surfaces of
worm for roughness or surface damage.
b. Carefully press sleeve bearing into housing,
3-41. Repair and Replacement of Steering Gear
using an arbor press.
c. Install seal in recess of housing.
a. Repair minor thread damage if practicable with
tap or thread chaser.
b. Replace all cracked or distorted parts.
quantity of nondrying, oil-resistant
c. Replace gaskets and seal at each reassembly.
Permatex No. 2) to male threads of
3-42. Reassembly of Steering Gear (fig. 3-9)
adjuster, side cover screws and lash
a. If ball nut has been disassembled, reassemble
Use care in applying
ball nut as follows:
compound to adjuster to prevent
(1) Place wormshaft flat on bench and slip
fouling of wormshaft bearing.
slip nut over worm with shallow end of rack teeth to the
left from steering wheel position and with holes facing
During assembly apply grease GAA
(2) Aline grooves in worm with grooves in ball
to worm bearings, pitman shaft gear
nut by sighting through holes in ball nut.
bearings in housing and side cover
(3) Count out 27 balls (sufficient for one half
and to ball nut teeth.
of circuit). Place these balls into one of the holes in ball
d. Install bearing on wormshaft and insert
nut while turning worm slowly away from that hole.
wormshaft with ball nut into housing, guiding end of
Continue until ball circuit is filled from bottom of one
wormshaft through upper shaft bearing cup and seal.
guide hole to bottom of other guide hole or until ball nut
e. Screw adjuster into end cover and place ball
reaches end of worm.
bearing on end of adjuster. Assemble end cover to
housing with four screws and washers, using gasket
If nut reaches end of worm before
between end cover and housing.
holes are filed, hold down balls with
f. Screw locknut onto exposed threads of adjuster.
blunt end of a rod or punch and turn
g. Assemble lash adjuster with shim in slot in end
worm in reverse direction a few
of pitman shaft gear. Check end clearance which
turns; then, continue filling circuit.
should not be greater than 0.002 inch. If necessary,
Working ball nut back and forth
change thickness of shim to obtain specified clearance.
several times may be necessary to
h. Start pilot on pitman shaft gear into bushing in
close up spaces between balls and
side cover. Then, using a screwdrive inserted through
fill circuit solidly. Always hold balls
hole in side cover, turn lash adjuster counterclockwise to
down while turning down.
pull pitman shaft gear into bushing as far as possible.
(4) Lay one half of a ball guide groove up on
bench and place remaining balls from 27 count in
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