![]() CHAPTER 1
Section I. GENERAL
support of the equipment is contained in TM 10-3930-
1-1. Scope
a. This manual contains instructions for the use of
Direct Support, General Support and Depot
1-2. Forms and Records
Maintenance personnel maintaining the Truck, Lift, Fork,
Electric, Solid Rubber Tires, 2,000Pound Capacity,
a. The DA forms and records used for equipment
Baker Model FTD-020-EE-SS, Army Model MHE-204,
maintenance will be only these prescribed in TM 38-750.
Federal Stock Number 3930-935-7864 as allocated by
b. Report
the Maintenance Allocation Chart.
It provides
recommendations for improving this publication by the
information on the maintenance of the equipment which
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
is beyond the scope of the tools, equipment, personnel,
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
or supplies normally available to the using organization.
to DA Publications) and forwarded direct to
b. The appendix contains a list of references. TM
Commanding General, U. S. Army Mobility Equipment
10-3930-609-12 contains the maintenance allocation
Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow
chart. The list of repair parts required by direct and
Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
general support, and depot maintenance facilities for
truck are provided in the applicable maintenance
1-3. Description
paragraphs of this manual.
A general description of the fork lift truck and
information pertaining to the identification plates are
1-4. Tabulated Data
contained in TM 10-3930-609-12. A more detailed
description of specific components and assemblies is
a. General.
This paragraph contains all
contained in the applicable section(s) of this manual.
maintenance data pertinent to direct support, general
Detailed descriptions of the components of the fork lift
support, and depot maintenance personnel.
b. Electrical Components Characteristics and Ratings.
Pump motor voltage (nominal) ................................................................................................... 36 volts
Pump motor horsepower rating at 36 volts ................................................................................. 2.2 hp
Pump motor speed at 86 volts with 14 foot pound load ............................................................... 3,265 rpm 5%
Pump motor current at 36 volts with 14 foot pound load ............................................................. 204 amps 5%
Pump motor stalled rotor torque at 36 volts ................................................................................ 42 foot pounds min.
Pump motor field coil resistance at 70 .................................................................................... 0.00109 ohms 10%
Travel motor voltage (nominal) .................................................................................................. 36 volts
Travel motor horsepower rating at 36 volts ................................................................................. 3.5 hp approx.
Travel motor speed at 36 volts with 15 foot pound load .............................................................. 2,940 rpm 5%
Travel motor current at 36 volts with 15 foot pound load ............................................................ 120 amps 5%
Travel motor stalled rotor torque at 36 volts ............................................................................... 100 foot pounds min.
Travel motor field coil resistance at 70 ................................................................................... 0.0366 ohms 10%
Accelerator controller potentiometer resistance .......................................................................... 0 to 600,000 ohms
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