![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
n. Directional Switch. The directional switch
crosshead assembly rises, tightening the chains
selects "forward" or "reverse" operation of the
and raising the lift carriage assembly.
travel motor. This switch is a three-position,
(5) Lift carriage assembly. The lift carriage
assembly rides on four rollers within the inner
manually operated, two-circuit pilot device. The
upright assembly, which in turn slides up and
direction switch is located on the steering gear
down inside of the intermediate upright chan-
nets. Two forks are mounted on the front of the
o. Relays and SCR Control System. The relays
make and break the circuits in response to re-
lift carriage assembly for handling of loads.
h. Lift Hydraulic System. The hydraulic sys-
lated manual and automatic controls. The SCR
tem consists of a reservoir, pump, control valve,
control system provides close stepless control
hoist and tilt cylinder, and hydraulic hoses. The
over the truck travel system with protection
against over-current or overvoltage. These relays
hoist cylinder raises the lift carriage and forks by
are mounted at the rear of the truck.
hydraulic pressure supplied by the pump. Grav-
p. Travel Motor. The travel motor, under the
ity lowers the lift carriage.
operator's floor plate, is a series wound, direct
i. Lift Cylinder. A compound lift is used on
current electric motor. Connected to the power
this vehicle. The lift carriage rises to the top of
axle, it drives the truck forward or backward.
the outer upright before the inner and inter-
q. Hydraulic Pump Motor. The pump motor
mediate uprights together with the lift carriage
for the upright hydraulic system is controlled by
move upward. This is achieved by a dual hy-
a switch which closes the pump motor relay. The
draulic hoist cylinder assembly with two pistons
switch is operated by either the lift control, or
working in sequence.
the tilt control, starting the motor when either
j. Tilt Cylinders. The tilt cylinders are double-
lever is moved about onequarter of its travel
acting. The uprights are tilted in and out by hy-
toward lift or tilt position. The switch is opened
draulic pressure to the tilt cylinders.
when the lever is returned to neutral position.
k. Electrical System. The electrical system is a
The pump motor is a series wound, direct current
two-wire, ungrounded type. The battery is con-
nected into the circuit by means of a removable
r. Hourmeter. The hourmeter is the only in-
connector. The charging connection is also made
strument used on this truck. This meter auto-
through this connector. The weight of the op-
matically records the number of hours truck has
erator in the driver's seat closes the circuit to the
been in operation.
accelerating switch by an interlock switch. Travel
control is through the accelerating switch, with
circuit made and broken by relay. A panic switch
1-5. Identification and Tabulated Data
mounted on the dash panel opens and closes the
a. Identification. The truck has three major
travel circuit. The direction of travel is selected
identification plates.
by the directional switch lever on the steering
(1) Travel motor identification plate. Lo-
gear post. The stop and taillight is inclosed in
cated on the travel motor housing. Specifies the
a guard on the rear of the truck. The headlight,
manufacturer, type and serial number.
mounted on the right side of the hoist upright,
(2) Pump motor identification plate. Lo-
is controlled by a toggle switch on the instru-
cated on the pump motor housing. Specifies the
ment housing.
manufacturer, type and serial number.
1. Battery. The 36-volt battery (Government-
(3) Manufacturers idetification plate. Lo-
furnished equipment) used will weigh approxi-
cated on the right front of the truck, it speci-
mately 1,600 pounds. The inside of the truck bat-
fies nomenclature, type tires, capacity, manu-
tery compartment is 26 13/16 inches long,
facturer, serial number, model number, registra-
32 7/8 inches wide, and 23 3/8 inches high.
tion number, contract number or order number,
m. Accelerator Master Assembly. The accele-
service weight, wheel loading (no load on
rator master assembly contains three sensitive
forks), wheel loading (rated load on forks), and
switches, operated in sequence by cams. The
center of gravity.
cams are actuated by the accelerator pedal. The
switches energize relays which through the SCR
b. Tabulated Data.
control system govern the speed of the travel
( 1) Capacities.
motor. A potentiometer governs signal strength
Differential _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
pt (pint)
and thereby power output of the SCR travel
Hydraulic system_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5
gal (gallon)
motor control circuit. The accelerating switch is
Brake system _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
located under the floor plate.
Steering gear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
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