hoist carriage is that the center of the
carriage load roller be at least 1/4
inch above the bottom of the inner
The uprights must be
collapsed and a rated load imposed
upon the load arms, when checking
roller position.
1. Place the truck on level ground with the uprights
2. Fully extend the uprights making certain the
carriage stop does not contact the stop at the top of the
inner upright. A minimum clearance of 1/4 inch must be
maintained at this point with equal tension on the
chains. On free-lift models, this adjustment must be
made at the end of the free-lift or primary stroke.
After the above adjustment has been
made, never shorten the chains by
further adjustment.
3. Lower the carriage all the way down. If the load
arms are resting on the ground, make no further
adjustments. However, if the heels of the load arms do
not touch the ground, the chains may be lengthened
until the heels touch.
4. Periodic rechecks should be made to
compensate for wear and chain stretch by repeating
steps 1 through 3.
5. The carriage stops are not designed to
withstand the pressure exerted by the hoist cylinder.
These stops are merely to prevent the upright from
lowering if the load arms are still beneath a stacked
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