attached to the filter head, all oil must enter the head
4. Inspect all hoses, fittings and tubes. Replace
and pass through the filter before entering the reservoir
any hose, tube or fitting that is frayed, cracked, cross-
area of the tank. Therefore, foreign matter is removed
threaded or otherwise deteriorated to a point where
from oil being added to the tank and metal particles or
satisfactory service is doubtful. Check tank hoses for
other material from failing hydraulic components are
softness and peeling or flaking on the inside.
prevented from contaminating the supply of oil.
Contained in the can is a filter, relief valve assembly
Any foreign particles or loose
and a pressure spring. The can assembly is secured in
material in the tank outlet hoses may
the tank by the filter head and necessary screws.
be drawn into the hydraulic system.
The filter will not catch the material
A 2.25 inch tube, flanged near the top and flared at the
until it passes through the hydraulic
bottom, tension spring and bell-shaped valve make up
the relief valve assembly. The valve is held against the
flared end of the tube by the tension spring which is
hooked to the upper end of the tube.
1. Follow the reverse of removal procedures.
When the filter is assembled and installed, the pressure
2. Inspect hoses for general condition and replace
spring is placed between the head and valve flange,
any that are faulty.
forcing the flange against the top of the filtering element
and seating the element on the bottom of the can. An
3. Connect hoses.
oil seal is formed between the flange and element,
4. Install the hydraulic filter.
element and can, and valve and seat. Also, oil leakage
5. Fill the tank to the full level.
at the filter assembly and tank junction is prevented by
two gaskets, one between tank and can flange and the
other between can flange and head flange.
Never operate the engine without oil
in the hydraulic system.
A few
Oil enters the head cavity, passes into the valve tube to
revolutions without oil may damage
the relief valve, flows around the outside of and then
the hydraulic pump.
through the element where it enters the tank below the
oil level. f for any reason the oil cannot pass through
Every 5000 hours drain the oil out of the tank. Remove
the element, the relief valve is forced off of its seat and
air cleaner and filter. Flush tank making sure the screen
allows it to enter the tank without being filtered.
is clean and no contaminates are left in the tank.
When a new truck has been in
operation for 200 hours, replace the
Maximum protection against foreign particles is given to
filter element. After that, replace the
the hydraulic components by a full-flow filter in the
element every 2000 hours or once a
system. (Fig. 12)
Remove the element as
Since both the filler tube and returning oil lines are
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