a. If guide was removed during assembly,
press a new guide in place. Place an O-
NOTE: Prior to reassembly of the valve make certain
ring to groove of seat then install seat in
that bench, tools, and all valve parts are thoroughly
body bore. Place O-ring on plug and
clean and free from dust and foreign matter.
install. Place an O-ring and back-up ring
necessary, thoroughly rewash the parts. Lubricate all
in groove of plunger then install plunger in
parts with hydraulic oil, especially O-rings.
guide. Install spring and follower. Place
an O-ring on cap and install. Install
adjusting screw gasket, jam nut and
1. Assemble and Install Spools
gasket. Temporarily install acorn nut but
do not tighten.
a. Clamp the spool in a soft-jawed vise, then
b. After reassembly of relief valve, do not
position spring retainer, spring and spring
attempt to adjust to the proper setting.
retainer on spool. Compress spring and
Refer to "Relief Valve Adjustment".
install new snap ring. Make certain snap
ring is fully seated in groove, then remove
spring compressor, Remove spool
assembly from vise.
Use reverse of removal procedure.
Adjust the relief
b. Place O-ring retainer and a new O-ring on
spool assembly, then install spool,. Care
should be taken to prevent cutting the O-
ring. With spool fully inserted in valve
body bore, install spool cover and secure
1. Remove the plug from the test port, near the
with screws,
inlet port. (Fig. 7) Connect a 3000 PSI gauge to the
c. Install O-ring, O-ring retainer, wiper and
test port.
retainer plate over eye end of spool and
into position in body. Secure retainer
NOTE: If the valve is not equipped with a test port,
plate with screws and washers,
connect the gauge to the valve inlet port using a tee
2. Install Check Valves
2. Remove acorn nut from relief valve. Loosen
a. When installing check valve poppets, and
Jam nut and hold while backing off adjusting screw until
new parts are not used in reassembly,
no tension is felt on relief valve.
make certain that poppets are installed in
their respective bores.
3. With pump running at specified speed and oil at
b. To install, slide poppet in body bore until
operating temperature, operate one spool to a power
fully seated, then insert spring, guide.
position. Turn adjusting screw clockwise until correct
Place a new O-ring on plug and install
pressure setting is obtained.
until plug bottoms.
4. After correct pressure setting has been
3. Install Relief Valve
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