bar stock approximately 5 inches long and slightly larger
in diameter than the snap ring being installed. Bore a
hole in the stock slightly larger than the stud end of the
spool. Remove any sharp edges. To use sleeve type
tool when ready to install snap ring, compress spring,
then position snap ring on stud end of spool. Position
tool against snap ring, and tap rather sharply, with a
rawhide mallet, until snap ring is seated in groove.
1. Note hydraulic line connections at the valve; tag
if necessary to assure correct hydraulic hook-up on
installation. Disconnect all hydraulic lines, capping all
openings to prevent contamination of the system with
foreign particles. Inspect general condition of the lines,
replacing any that were leaking before being
disconnected or when continued service is doubtful.
Disconnect steel tubing at both ends to
eliminate any possibility of distorting the tube shape.
NOTE: Use two wrenches when removing or replacing
hydraulic lines. This will help prevent changing the
angle of the installed fitting and twisting the lines.
Figure 10.
2. Extract cotter pins from the connecting links at
the valve spools. Push roll pins out, to disconnect the
links from the spools. Check each link for elongated
holes and check handle lever-to-spool mechanism for
any signs of impending failure.
3. Remove remaining attaching screws and lift the
valve out of the truck.
C. DISASSEMBLY (Figs. 10 and 11)
1. Cap all openings and clean exterior.
2. Remove and disassemble spools,.
Figure 11.
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