d. Restriction in forward circuit between control
valve and piston.
Get satisfactory results at check
e. Misaligned porting plate or gaskets.
ports number 1 and 2before
attempting adjustment here.
3. Pressure too low at 600 RPM, 1500 RPM and
2450 RPM and in reverse:
1. Pressure too low at 600 RPM and 2450 RPM
and in neutral:
a. Misaligned control valve porting plate or
a. Flow from control valve to converter unit
blocked by misaligned gasket.
b. Misaligned inching spool.
b. Regulator valve III stuck open.
c. Regulating valve "II" stuck open or weak
Pipe plug in bottom of control valve left out.
d. Broken or non-sealing seal rings on reverse
d. Weak spring in check valve.
drive shaft in front cap or in end housing.
2. Pressure too high at 600 RPM and in neutral:
e. External leak around control valve or valve
porting plate.
a. Leak-through from pump output line to
converter supply line at pump because of worn
Leak past O-rings in reverse end housing.
or faulty gasket, worn or faulty pump gears,
damaged pump porting plate.
g. Leak around outside of improperly swaged
copper tube.
3. Pressure too high at 2450 RPM and in neutral:
h. Leak in front cap - external or internal.
a. Same as No. 2 above.
4. Pressure to low at 600 RPM, 1500 RPM and
b. Regulating valve III inoperative.
2450 RPM and in reverse:
Restriction in excess of oil dump line.
a. Misaligned control valve gasket.
d. Clogged transmission oil filter.
b. Too many shims.
e. Regulating valve III shimmed too high - new
c. Bleed-off ports in reverse end housing
spring required.
d. Restriction in reverse circuit between control
valve and piston.
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