2. Excessive load demands
2. Reduce electrical load.
3. High self discharge
3. Clean battery top and recharge. Replace
if necessary.
4. Defective or old
4. Recharge and make high discharge test.
Replace if defective.
Cracked Battery Case
1. Battery not secured or hold-down loose
1. Install new battery. Tighten hold-down
2. Battery frozen
2. Install new battery. Keep battery charged.
Bulging Battery Case
1. Battery overheated
1. Battery overcharged.
2. Hold-down too tight
2. Loosen and tighten properly.
C. Ignition Circuit
Engine Cranks Normally But Will Not Start
1. Open primary circuit
1. Check connections, coil, contact points and
ignition switch for open.
2. Coil primary grounded
2. Replace coil.
3. Points not opening
3. Adjust.
4. Burned points
4. Clean or replace.
5. Out of time
5. Check and adjust timing.
6. High tension leakage
6. Check coil head, distributor cap, rotor and
leads. Remove all carbon deposits, residue
and dirt.
7. Spark plugs fouled
7. Clean, adjust or replace. Correct reason
for fouling.
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