A. Starting Circuit
No Cranking, No Lights
1. Battery dead
1. Recharge or replace battery.
2. Open circuit
2. Clean and tighten connections. Replace wiring.
No Cranking, Lights Go Out When Cranking
Is Attempted
1. Poor connection, probably at the battery
1. Clean battery terminals and cable ends.
2. Defective cables
2. Replace defective cables.
No Cranking, Lights Dim Slightly When
Cranking Is Attempted
1. Pinion not engaging with the flywheel ring
1. Clean or replace defective parts.
Excessive resistance or open in cranking
2. Clean commutator. Replace brushes,
Check and repair solenoid contacts. Repair
poor connections.
No Cranking, Lights Glow Very Dim When
Cranking Is Attempted
1. Engine locked or turns too hard
1. Check engine. Repair as necessary.
2. Battery low
2. Recharge or replace battery.
3. Pinion jammed; defective mechanism
3. Free up and replace defective parts.
4. Damaged shaft bearings; dragging armature;
4. Repair cranking motor.
short in cranking motor
No Cranking, Lights Stay Bright When Cranking
Is Attempted
1. Open in control circuit
1. Check ignition switch, connections and
wiring. Check solenoid contacts and connections.
Repair or replace as necessary.
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