Figure 29.
switch to regulator No. 2 terminal is open, or the field
Figure 30.
relay is defective, and must be checked.
CAUTION: Load the battery with a carbon rheostat
Defective Alternator: To determine if the
or accessories to prevent high voltage. Do not
alternator is operating properly, proceed as follows:
allow the charging voltage to exceed the
recommended voltage setting of the regulator.
a. Connect an ammeter in the circuit at the "BAT"
terminal of the alternator and a voltmeter from the
5. Low Voltage Regulator Setting: If no circuit
"BAT" terminal to ground.
defects are found, yet the battery remains
undercharged, the cause most likely is a low voltage
b. Make connections to the adapter as shown in
regulator setting.
Figure 30.
c. Turn on switch, operate engine at speed and
check for rated output. If alternator does not
NOTE: An overcharged battery, as
provide rated output, it should be checked.
evidenced by excessive water usage,
can be caused by:
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