2. Observe contacts while starting the engine in a
normal manner; do not speed up the engine but allow it
to idle in a normal manner. (Recommended idle speed.)
3. If contacts remain closed during cranking and
open when engine starts, the relay operation is
The automatic disengagement and lock-out, or ADLO
satisfactory and no further adjustments are required.
system consists of a resistor and a relay as shown in the
Repeat Step 2 once more to insure that operation is
wiring diagram. (Fig's 1 and 17)
satisfactory, then stop engine and replace cover.
The ADLO system protects the starter motor pinion and
4. If contacts open during cranking before engine
engine ring gear by eliminating the possibility of starter
starts, bend armatures and repeat Steps 2 and 3.
motor engagement with a running engine. Turning the
ignition key closes the starter circuit. As soon as the
5. If contacts do not open when engine starts,
engine fires, the output of the alternator will break the
operate at idle speed and bend upper contact armature
starter circuit in the relay and the pinion disengages.
until contacts open. Repeat Steps 2 and 3.
Disengagement takes place between cranking speed
and low idle.
6. If relay contacts cannot be adjusted to open at
engine idle, replace the relay.
7. Resistor a. If the resistor burns out, the starter
can be engaged with the engine running and the ADLO
system becomes ineffective.
b. The resistor is rated 7.5 ohms, maximum
power dissipation: 25 watts. Check the resistor
with the unit cold, using an ohmmeter or
Multimeter. Replace a defective resistor.
8. Relay
a. A burnt coil will cause the points to stay closed.
Thus, the starter can be engaged with the engine
Figure 17.
b. If the points fuse, the starter can be engaged
with the engine running.
c. If the points become pitted, coated, or make no
1. With engine stopped, remove relay cover and
proper contact, the engine can not be started.
observe contacts which should be closed. If contacts
Replace the relay in these cases.
are not closed, adjust contacts until they close by
bending armatures.
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