![]() FUEL
the adapter, insert the bolts with lockwashers in the
holes provided for them.
4. Start the bolts and turn them in finger tight. This
will prevent damage to the threads. Then tighten bolts
with a wrench.
5. Check the fuel lines for condition, cleanliness
and alignment with the pump outlet. Start the fitting
nuts and turn on finger tight. Using two wrenches, one
on the nut and one on the fuel pump fitting, tighten
enough to prevent vacuum and fuel leaks.
The pressure test is made to check
for excessively high pressures
developed by the pump which may
cause rich fuel mixtures, and in a few
Figure 8.
cases, flooding of the carburetor. A
rich mixture is one of the causes of
excessive fuel consumption and
Disconnecting the line between the
poor performance.
carburetor and the pump removes
the normal pressure on the fuel
1. Disconnect the gasoline line at the carburetor,
pump diaphragm causing it to flex
and insert a "T" fitting between the carburetor and the
This may cause loose
fuel line. (Fig. 8)
particles of dirt to enter the
2. Start the engine and run it at low idle speed.
carburetor fuel line.
3. Read on the pressure scale the pounds pressure
before connecting the line to the
developed by the fuel pump and compare with the
carburetor, it is recommended that
the fuel line and pump be flushed.
To do so, operate the starter until 1/4
to 1/2 pint of gasoline has been
flushed out into a container.
The capacity test determines the
2. Start the engine, and measure the time required
ability of the pump to produce a
to pump one pint of fuel into the container, at 1800
sufficient amount of fuel within a
RPM. This should take one to 1-1/2 minutes.
specified time. It is important that
3. If the capacity of the fuel pump is low, it may be
both a pressure and a capacity test
due to leakage of air into the system. Check the vapor
be made to determine the condition
dome for looseness and also the gasoline line to the fuel
of the fuel pump.
tank and the inlet fitting on the pump for air leaks.
Restrictions in the fuel line will also reduce pump
1. Disconnect the rubber hose at the tester and
insert it in a suitable container. The container must be
marked to show a one-pint level.
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