![]() bolts (number 13 and 14) to 19-23 foot-pounds
When removing the flywheel housing bolts, note the
torque. Tighten the 3/8 inch-16 bolts (numbers 9
location of the various size bolts, lock washers, flat
thru 12) to 40-45 foot-pounds torque and tighten
washers, and copper washers so they may be rein-
the remaining 3/8 inch-16 and 3/8 inch-24 bolts to
stalled in their proper location.
25-30 foot-pounds torque.
( 1 0 ) Install the blower and governor drive
(11) To guide the flywheel housing until the oil
support assembly (para 3-5).
seal clears the end of the crankshaft, thread two
(11) Using a dial indicator, check flywheel
pilot studs into the cylinder block.
housing concentricity and bolting flange face as
(12) Thread eyebolts into the tapped holes in
the pad (if provided) on the top or sides of the
(a) Thread the dial indicator post tightly
flywheel housing, and attach a chain hoist with a
i n t o one of the tapped holes in the flywheel.
suitable sling to the eyebolts. Strike the front face of
Assemble the dial indicators on the base post.
the housing alternately on each side of the engine
with a soft hammer to loosen and work it off the
(b) Position the dial indicators straight and
square with the flywheel housing and make sure
dowel pins.
each indicator has adequate travel in each direc-
(13) Remove all traces of the old gaskets from
the cylinder block rear end plate and the flywheel
If the flywheel extends beyond the flywheel housing
c. Inspection.
bell, the housing bore and face must be checked
(1) Inspect the flywheel housing for cracks or
a n y other damage. Replace the housing if it is
(c) P r y a n d h o l d t h e c r a n k s h a f t i n o n e
(2) Inspect the crankshaft rear oil for damage
direction to ensure end play is in one direction only.
or deterioration.
(d) Adjust each dial indicator to read zero at
d. Installation.
the twelve o'clock position. Rotate the crankshaft
(1) Lubricate the gear train teeth with clean
o n e full revolution, taking readings at 45 in-
engine oil.
tervals. Stop and remove the wrench or cranking
(2) Affix new flywheel housing gaskets to the
bar before recording each reading to ensure ac-
rear face of the cylinder block rear end plate.
curacy. The maximum total indicator reading must
(3) If the flywheel housing has an integral cast
not exceed 0.013 inch for either the bore or face.
hub, install a flywheel housing-to-end plate shim
(e) If the run-out exceeds the maximum
(0.015 inch thick). Use grease to affix the shim to
limits, remove the flywheel housing; and check for
the cylinder block rear end plate.
dirt or foreign material (such as old gasket
(4) Apply a light coat of high temperature cup
material) between the flywheel housing and the end
grease to the lip of the crankshaft rear oil seal.
plate, and between the end plate and the cylinder
(5) Thread two pilot studs into the cylinder
block. Reinstall the flywheel housing and tighten
block to guide the housing into place.
the attaching bolts in the proper sequence to the
(6) With the flywheel housing suitably sup-
specified torque. Recheck the run-out. If necessary,
p o r t e d , position it over the crankshaft and up
replace the flywheel housing.
a g a i n s t the cylinder block rear end plate and
(12) Install the clutch housing, if used.
Tighten the attaching bolts to specified torque.
(13) Install the fuel pump,
While sliding the housing into position, manually
(14) Install the flywheel.
hold the oil seal expander tool up against the rear end
(15) Affix a new gasket to the oil pan, and
of the crankshaft.
install the oil pan.
(16) Install all accessories previously removed
(7) Install all of the flywheel housing bolts,
from the engine. Install engine.
lock washers, flat washers, and copper washers in
(17) Install the transmission.
their proper location, finger tight. only.
( 1 8 ) Fill the crankcase with lubricating oil
(8) Refer to figure 3-47 and draw the flywheel
(LO 10-3930-243-12).
housing bolts up snug in the sequence shown.
(19) Refill the cooling system ( T M 10-3930-
( 9 ) Refer to figure 3-48 for the final bolt
t i g h t e n i n g sequence. Tighten the 5/16 inch-18
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