![]() c. Nomenclature. This column lists the name or
special tools and test equipment (sec. III ) required
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of the tool or test equipment.
to perform the maintenance functions (sec. II).
d. Tool Number. This column lists the
e. Remarks, Column (5). This column is
m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s code and part number, or Federal
p r o v i d e d for referencing by code the remarks (sec.
Stock Number of tools and test equipment.
IV) pertinent to the maintenance functions.
B-4. Explanation of Columns in Section IV
B-3. Explanation of Columns in Section III (not
a . Reference Code. This column consists of two
letters separated by a dash, both of which are
a. Reference Code. This column consists of a
r e f e r e n c e s to Section II. The first letter references
number and a letter separated by a dash. The
column (5) and the second letter references a
the T&TE requirements
maintenance function, column (3), A through K.
column on the MAC. The letter represents the
b. Remarks. This
specific maintenance function the item is to be used
with. The letter is representative of columns A
performed, as indicated on the MAC, section II.
through K on the MAC.
b. Maintenance Category. This column shows
t h e lowest level of maintenance authorized to use
t h e special tool or test equipment.
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