![]() CHAPTER 1
Section I.
b. DA Form 2400 (Equipment Utilization
1. scope
a. This manual is for the use of personnel
c. DA Form 2401 (Organizational Control
responsible for the operation and first-echelon
Record for Equipment).
maintenance of the Truck, Lift, Fork, Gasoline,
d. SF 46 (U.S. Government Motor Vehicle
Pneumatic-Tired Wheels, 15,000-Pound Capac-
ity (Hyster Model H150C, Army Model MHE
Operator's Identification Card).
178), Federal Stock Number 3930-897-4632,
e. SF 91 (Operator's Report of Motor-
procured under contract number N600 (MIS) -
Vehicle Accident).
4. Recommended Changes
b. This manual provides the operator with
the necessary instructions to operate the truck
Users of this manual are encouraged to sub-
and to perform his required maintenance serv-
mit recommended changes or comments to im-
ices. These maintenance services have been
prove the manual. Comments will be submitted
assigned to the operator within the limits of
on DA Form 2028 (Recommended changes to
the maintenance allocation chart which will be
DA Technical Manual Parts Lists or Supply
contained in TM 10-3930-222-20.
Manual 7, 8, or 9) and will be keyed to the
specific page, paragraph, and line of the text in
2. Appendixes
which the change is recommended. Reasons
should be provided for each comment to insure
and appendix II is the basic issue item.
understanding and complete evaluation. Com-
ments should be forwarded direct to Command-
3. Maintenance Forms and Records
ing General, Quartermaster Center, U.S. Army,
The maintenance forms and records appli-
Fort Lee, Va.
cable to the operation and first-echelon mainte-
5. Orientation
nance of this truck are listed below. The use
of these forms and records is described in TM
Throughout this manual, the use of the terms
right, left, front, and rear indicates directions
a. DA Form 348 (Driver Qualification Rec-
from the viewpoint of the operator sitting in
the seat of the truck.
It is equipped with six pneumatic tires and
6. Description
can load, unload, transport, and stack loads up
The Hyster Model H150C (figs. 1 and 2) is
to 15,000 pounds. The load center of the load
a gasoline-powered, front-wheel drive, rear-
is 24 inches from the heel of the forks and
wheel steer, materials-handling forklift truck.
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