5. ENGINE CRANKCASE. Oil is to be changed each time an engine oil change is directed by AOAP labora-
tory. When AOAP laboratory support is not available, change oil each 250 hours. Drain when lubricant is
6. ENGINE OIL FILTER. Filter is to be replaced each time an engine oil change is directed by AOAP labora-
tory. After installing new filter element, fill crankcase, operate engine 5 minutes, check housing for leaks,
check crankcase oil level and bring to full mark. When AOAP laboratory support is not available, install new
filter element each 250 hours.
engine running at idle speed, oil at operating temperature and transmission in neutral. Maintain oil level to
"FULL" mark. Oil is to be changed each time a transmission oil change is directed by AOAP Iaboratory. After
draining oil, remove oil screen (located on front side of the oil galley), clean and install. Fill transfer case to
full mark. With engine running at idle or fast idle, oil at operating temperature and transmission in neutral, fill
sump to "FULL" mark on gage. Operate for 5 minutes and check for leaks. When AOAP support is not avail-
able, change torque converter, transmission and transfer case oil each 500 hours.
8. TRANSFER CASE OIL FILTER. Filter element is to be replaced each time a torque converter, transmis-
sion and transfer case oil change is directed by AOAP laboratory. Remove filter element, clean filter hous-
ing, install new filter element and seal. After replacement fill transfer case to full mark. With engine running,
oil at operating temperature and transmission in neutral, fill sump to "FULL" mark on gage. Operate for 5
minutes and check for leaks. When AOAP laboratory support is not available, install new filter element each
500 hours.
9. HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER. Each 500 hours, remove element, clean filter housing and install new ele-
ment. After replacement, operate hydraulic system for 5 minutes, check for leaks, check level and bring to
"FULL" mark.
10. HYDRAULIC OIL TANK DRAIN. Each 500 hours drain tank. Refill tank to "FULL" mark. Operate hydrau-
lic system for 5 minutes, check for leaks and bring oil to "FULL" mark.
11. FRONT AND REAR WHEEL HUB FILL AND DRAIN PLUGS. To drain, turn wheel until fill and drain plug
is at bottom center. Fill housing by turning wheel until fill and drain plug is in an upward position. Check level
with arrow pointing straight down. Fill until lubricant extrudes from level plug (lower plug opening).
Check level each 50 hours. Change gear lubricant only when required by maintenance repair action, con-
tamination by water, or other foreign material. After refill, operate for five minutes, check for leaks and bring
oil level to level plug opening.
13. CONSTANT VELOCITY JOINT. After operation in seawater, remove a bolt (only 1 of 4) from bottom
bearing cap, drain off water, inject GAA through top fitting to remove contaminated lube. Replace bearing
cap bolt. Relubricate.
14. DIFFERENTIAL LOCK CONTROL VALVE. Check level each 100 hours. Oil should be within 3/4 inch of
the top of the valve. Drain only when repaired. Bleed lines at the lockout mechanism on the differential. Use
BFS brake fluid (MIL-B-46176) on S/N E1468 and up. Use oil OE/HDO 10 (MIIL-L-2104) for S/N below S/N
LO 10-3930-242-12
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