TM 10-3930-671-24 Hydraulic Brake Fluid & Bleeding Precautions 1. Do  not  mix  different  types  or  brands  of  brake fluid. 2. Clean  the  top  and  cap  of  brake  fluid  containers before opening. 3. Do not use brake fluid which is contaminated or that  is  cloudy,  opaque,  an  emulsion,  separated into layers or contains moisture. 4. Always store brake fluid in the original container and keep airtight.  Do not use (reuse) brake fluid containers for any other purpose. 5. Use    only    new    brake    fluid    for    bleeding    and cleaning of brake system parts, as applicable. 6. Never save or reuse brake fluid once it has been in any brake system. 7. Clean  the  filler  cap  and  top  of  master  cylinder before removing cap. 8. Do  not  open  master  cylinder  in  a  dusty  area  or where  rain,  snow  and  other  contaminants  can enter the fluid. 9. Drain  and  flush  the  entire  system  if  the  fluid  in the     master     cylinder     looks     dirty,     cloudy,     is emulsified,   separated   into    layers    or    contains water or other foreign liquid. 10. Before bleeding, make all necessary adjustments to pedal travel and repairs on lines, hoses, cylinders, etc. 11. Clean     off     bleeder     screws before bleeding brakes. 12. Do  not  use  brake  bleeding  equipment  for  any other purpose. 13. As applicable, use only pressure bleeders which prevent aeration of fluid.  Pressure bleeder must be  set  to  14.5-17.4  psi  (100-120  kPa).    Higher pressure can cause fluid aeration.  Be sure that pressure bleeder is in safe operating condition. 14. Before   attaching   pressure   bleeder   to   master cylinder,  fill  cylinder  completely  full,  and  also  fill the bleeder hose with fluid. 15. Follow   brake   bleeding   procedures   exactly   as described. Bleeding Procedures Type 2 Dual Master Cylinders TA1 8 Transaxle Service Brake & Inching Circuit 1. Check the existing condition.  Push on the brake pedal  and  inching  pedal  several  times  to  get  a feel  of  the  pedals  as  they  move,  and  note  how system reacts. Be  sure  transmission  directional  control is    in    NEUTRAL    and    truck    prevented from    moving    when    parking    brake    is released or personnel injury may result. 2. Release the parking brake. Figure 1.  Brake Bleeder Screw Location 3. Brake bleeder screws are located in each wheel end of the drive axle at the inner top side of the brake backing plate. F-396

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