TM 10-3930-671-24 1. The  transaxle  oil  is  drained  from  drain  plug  in transmission case (1). 2. Put a flat drain pan of 20 quarts (19 L) capacity minimum, under drain opening. 3. Remove   the   drain   plug.   Inspect   the   plug   and seal for damage. Replace as necessary. Changing Transaxle Oil Filter 1. Remove the floorboards. NOTE The oil  filter  is  mounted  near  the  top of converter housing above transmission. 2. Remove old oil filter. NOTE Take    special    care    when    removing filter     to     avoid     oil     In     filter     from draining    onto    floor.        Loosen    filter using a filter wrench. It is recommended   to   use   a   socket   and band-type  wrench  working  from   the front   of   truck.      Remove   filter   while holding    a    pad    of    cloth    or    other absorbent   material   under   the   open end to absorb any excess oil that may drain from the filter. 3. Install    new    oil    filter.        Follow    the    installation instructions printed on filter. 4. Install control rod(s), if removed as noted above. Refilling the Transaxle After  drive  axle  and  transmission  housing  has  drained completely: 1. Install drain plug. 2. Remove dipstick and fill transaxle to LOW mark on dipstick (transaxle and oil cold). 3. Operate  as  noted  in  Step  4.    When  transaxle fluid  is  at  operating  temperature  (1  80-200°F), recheck level.  Oil should be at full mark. If not, fill to FULL mark.  Do not overfill. 4. Start the engine and run at idle speed (650 rpm) in    NEUTRAL    for    2-3    minutes    to    prime    the converter and cooler lines. 5. Recheck   oil   level   with   engine   running   at   idle speed.  Add oil to bring the oil level to ADD mark on  dipstick.    When  oil  temperature  is  hot  (180- 200°F),   make   final   oil   level   check.      Oil   level should be at FULL mark.  Do not overfill. 6. Check for leaks at drain plug and oil filter 7. Finish  by  cleaning  up  and  removing  any  pans, blocking, etc., used. F-321 (F-322 blank)

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