TM 10-3930-664-24 E. ASSEMBLY 1. INSTALL    FAN    BLADE    (12)    AND    MOTOR    (14) ONTO   REAR   HOUSING   (5).      INSTALL   HEATER CORES (18). a. Place  heater  cores  (18)  into  holes  rear  housing (5). b. Attach hose (17) to heater cores (18) and secure by tightening hose clamps (19). c. Attach  motor  bracket   (15)   to   rear   housing   (5) using new rivets. d. Mate   motor   (14)   to   motor   bracket   (15)   and secure using nuts (16). e. Mount  fan  blade  (12)  onto  motor  shaft.    Blade hub   must   face   motor.      Secure   by   tightening setscrew (13) onto flat of motor shaft. 2. INSTALL    SHROUDING    (8,    10)    ONTO    FRONT HOUSING (4) USING SCREWS (9, 11). 3. INSERT     HEATER     SWITCH     (7)     INTO     FRONT HOUSING(4)        ANDSECUREUSING    ATTACHING NUTS. 4. INSTALL    FRONT    HOUSING    (4)    ONTO    REAR HOUSING (5). a. Connect   motor   wires   (6)   to   heater   switch   (7). Mate front housing (4) to rear housing (5). b. Install two screws (2) into clips (3) at top of rear housing (5). c. Install two screws (1) into bottom of rear housing (5). FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE: Install heater assembly (para.  2-143) END OF TASK 3-200

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