TM 10-3930-464-10 SECTION II.  Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services (PMCS) 2-5. GENERAL. Preventive   Maintenance   Checks   and   Services   (PMCS)   mean   systematic   caring,   inspecting,   and   servicing   of equipment to keep it in good condition and to prevent breakdowns.  As the 4KRTFL operator, your mission is to: a. Perform your PMCS each time you operate the 4KRTFL.  Always do your PMCS in the same order, so it gets to be a habit.  Once you’ve had some practice, you’ll quickly spot anything wrong. b. Do  your  "Before"  PMCS  just  before  you  operate  the  truck.    Pay  attention  to  WARNINGs,  CAUTIONs,  and NOTEs. c. Do your "During" PMCS while you operate the 4KTRFL.  During operation means to monitor the 4KRTFL and its related components while it is actually being operated.  Pay attention to WARNINGs, CAUTIONs, and NOTEs. d. Do your "After" PMCS right after operating the 4KRTFL.   Pay attention to WARNINGs, CAUTIONs, and NOTEs. e. Do your "Weekly" PMCS once a week. f. Use DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) to record any faults that you discover before, during, or after operation, unless you can fix them.  You DO NOT need to record faults that you fix. g. Be prepared to assist Organizational Maintenance when they lubricate the 4KRTFL.  Perform any other services when required by Organizational Maintenance. 2-6. PMCS PROCEDURES. a. Your  Preventive  Maintenance  Checks  and  Services  (PMCS),  Table  2-1,  lists  the  inspections  and  care  of  your equipment required to keep it in good operating condition. b. The Item Number column of your PMCS is the source for the number used on the TM Number Column on DA Form 2404. c. The Interval column of your PMCS table tells you when to do a certain check or service. d. Location,  Item  to  Check/Service  column:  This  column  tells  you  the  location  and  the  item  to  be  checked  or serviced.  The item location is underlined. e. The  Procedure  column  of  your  PMCS  table  tells  you  how  to  do  the  required  checks  and  services.    Carefully follow these instructions.  If you do not have the tools, or if the procedure tells you to, have Organizational Maintenance do the work. NOTE Terms "ready/available" and "mission capable" refer to same status: Equipment is on hand and ready to perform its combat missions.  (See DA Pam 738-750). f. "Not Fully Mission Capable Ifr column: This column tells you when and why your equipment cannot be used. g. If the 4KRTFL does not perform as required, refer to Chapter 3, Section II, Troubleshooting. h. If  anything  looks  wrong  and  you  can’t  fix  it,  write  it  on  your  DA  Form  2404.    IMMEDIATELY  report  it  to  your supervisor. 2-15

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