TM 10-3930-65 1 4&P (5) CHECKING  FUEL  LINES  (HOSES,  PIPINGS,) CONNECTIONS, etc.) FOR LEAKS Check   fuel   lines   for   loose   connections,   cracks   and deterioration.  Retighten loose connections; if necessary, replace any damaged or faulty parts. (6) ACCELERATING PUMP OPERATION With the engine stopped, open the completely closed throttle  valve  rapidly  to  the  maximum  extent,  and  check that there is injection from the pump jet. 4-1-3-5 LUBRICANT AND COOLING SYSTEM (1) REPLACING OIL FILTER WARNING Fuel  and  oil  are  slippery  and  can  cause  falls.    To avoid injury, wipe up spilled fuel or oil with rags. The oil filter is a full-flow cartridge type.  The oil filter element  is  sealed  in  the  container  as  a  unit.    It  can  be easily removed by hand with a filter wrench (1) Check  for  oil  leaks  at  packing  flange.    If  any leakage is discovered.  tighten a little.  or replace oil filter assembly  using  an  oil  filter  wrench.    When  installing  an oil filter, fasten it to engine block by hand. (2) The   oil   filter   element   should   be   replaced   at recommended intervals. Note: a  Do not overtighten filter, or oil leakage may occur. b.  When assembling, first oil the seal ring lightly. (2) CHANGING ENGINE OIL WARNING Fuel  and  oil  are  slippery  and  can  cause  falls.    To avoid injury, wipe up spilled fuel or oil with rags. (1) Check if  engine  oil  has  deteriorated  by  invading cooling    water    or    gasoline.        Drain    and    refill    oil,    if necessary. (2) Draining is best done after a good run, when the oil.    being  thoroughly  warm,  will  flow  readily  and  freely and any foreign matter will be held in suspension. Place  a  large  bowl  or  other  shallow  container  under the engine.  Then remove the oil pan drain plug.  Do this carefully,  as  the  oil  will  be  hot  and  it  will  spun  out  with some   force.      After   completely   draining   the   dirty   oil. securely  replace  the  oil  drain  plug  and  finally  refill  the engine   in   the   usual   way   up   to   the   "H"   mark   on   the dipstick.    Make  sure  that  the  truck  is  on  a  level  surface while draining and filling the engine. Note: a.      A   milky   oil   indicates   the   presence   of   cooling water. Discover the cause and make necessary correction. b.      An   oil   with   extremely   low   viscosity   suggests dilution with gasoline. Discover the cause and make necessary correction. (3) Check  oil  level,  and  if  it  is  below  the  specified level, add oil of the same grade up to the H level. Oil capacity of engine (including oil filter): Maximum (H level) 4.2 liters (41/2 US qt, 3 1/4 Imp qt) Minimum (L level) 3.5 liters (3314 US qt, 3’/s Imp qt) 4 - 14

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