TM  10-3930-643-34 ENGINE,  FUEL,  EXHAUST  AND 4-11. Intake and Exhaust REMOVAL  (cont) COOLING  TROUBLESHOOTING  AND  MAINTENANCE.  (cont) Manifolds.  (Sheet 5. Using  3/8”  and  3/4”  open  end wrenches, loosen two bolts (11) and nuts (12). 6. Remove two drive belts (13)  from alternator  pulley. Rotate  alternator away from engine as far as possible. 7. Using a 9/16”   socket,  socket wrench handle and a 9/16” open end wrench, remove four bolts (14) and locknuts (15). NOTE Front and rear exhaust manifolds are removed together as a unit. 8. Using a 5/8”   socket  and  socket  wrench handle, remove 12 nuts (16), washers (17), front exhaust manifold (18), rear  exhaust manifold (19), six gaskets  (20)  and  gasket  (21). Discard gaskets (20 and 21). Remove all gasket material from mounting surfaces. 9. Using a 7/16” socket and socket wrench handle, remove two pipe plugs (22) from rear exhaust manifold (19). 3 of 7) Go to sheet 4 4-78

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