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Page Title: Explanation of Columns in the Tabular L i s t of Maintenance and Operating Supplies Section III.
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g. Illustration. This column is divided as follows:
b. Federal Stock Number. This column indicates
(1) F i g u r e  n u m b e r .  Indicates  the  figure
the Federal stock number assigned to the item and
number of the illustration in which the item is
w i l l be used for requisitioning purposes.
c. Description. This column indicates the Federal
(2) Item number. Indicates the callout number
item name and any additional description of the
u s e d to reference the item in the illustration.
item required. The abbreviation "w/e", when
u s e d as a part of the nomenclature, indicates the
C-4. Explanation of Columns in the Tabular
Federal stock  number,  includes  all  armament,
L i s t of Maintenance and Operating Supplies -
equipment, accessories, and repair parts
Section III
w i t h the item. A part number or other reference
a.  Component  Application.  T h i s  column
number is followed by the applicable five-digit
identifies  the  component  application  o f  e a c h
Federal  supply
code  for  manufacturers  in
maintenance or operating supply item.
parenthesis. Repair parts quantities included in
b . Federal Stock Number. T h i s c o l u m n indicates
kits, sets, and assemblies are shown in front of the
the Federal stock number assigned to the item and
r e p a i r part name.
w i l l be used for requisitioning purposes.
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A  t w o - c h a r a c t e r
c. Description. T h i s c o l u m n i n d i c a t e s t h e i t e m
alphabetic abbreviation indicating the amount or
name and brief description.
quantity of the item upon which the allowances are
d. Quantity Required for Initial Operation. T h i s
b a s e d , e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
c o l u m n indicates the quantity of each maintenance
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. T h i s c o l u m n
or  operating  supply  item  required  for  initial
indicates the quantity of the item used in the
operation of the equipment.
a s s e m b l y group. A "V" appearing in this column in
e. Quantity Required for 8 Hours Operation.
lieu of a quantity indicates that a definite quantity
This column indicates the estimated quantities
cannot be indicated (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
r e q u i r e d for an average 8 hours of operation.
f. Quantity Furnished With Equipment. T h i s
f. Notes. This column indicates informative notes
c o l u m n indicates the quantity of an item furnished
keyed to data appearing in a preceding column.
with the equipment.

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